These are not kidney beans or some latest Japanese electronic toys. They are cluster bombs!! And cluster bombs kill. They also kill innocent children.
I got this message from Avaaz @ http://www.avaaz.org/en/
[Cluster munitions kill children and other civilians long after wars are over--and this week, we have a chance to ban them. 109 countries are in the final stages of negotiation on a cluster bomb ban -- but some are trying to water down the treaty with loopholes, exceptions, and delays.Our information is that the delegations obstructing a strong treaty in the last few days include the UK, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland, so messages to these leaders will be particularly valuable. A worldwide outcry for a strong treaty is needed now. The treaty will be signed Thursday--so add your voice by using the tool below to send a message to government leaders:Who makes cluster bombs? Who is affected? Click here to see a world map! Also, click here to see a video message from a cluster bomb victim. ]
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