Bobby McFerrin is best known for his 1988 super hit "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
It's one of my favourites as well.
Did you know that many thought he committed suicide? It would be a real irony if it was true, especially after watching the YouTube video below.
But don't worry, be happy! He is still alive today. To confirm click HERE:
Now that you know he is alive and kicking, please enjoy
"Don't Worry, Be Happy!"
Don't Worry, Be Happy
From the Movie "Cocktails"
Performed by Bobby McFerrin
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Look at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy
Justin,This is a very good post!at last I managed to write something!You can afford not to worry as you are retired!Many guys are worrying about keeping their jobs.How to keep pace with the increasing costs of living.Once the prices are up,it will not come down .THIS IS TRUE!And some morons said that we are not affected by the financial MESS in USA.Ask those connected with IT exporters in your area???Hear what they say!!Those BN leaders are bluffing the rakyats when they are in s state of denials !!
Such a man....who is a spiritual song writer ...singer..with rare talents...can never commit suicide....unless his personal problems is so great...his weak mind over powering him....or suffering from a terminal illness....where he does not want to burden the love ones.
In war zones..captured traitors are sometimes give a noble choice to shoot themselves.
So glad..Bobby is alive and well.
He is a simple man.
His fame will give him quite a comfortable life....which he deserves.
Justin...I have commented at "The Might of the Pen" blog..as you requested.
Welcome back.
If you have nothing to comment, just say, "Hi,I'm still reading. Keep going Justin". That will give me some encouragement!
"You can afford not to worry as you are retired!"
Oh no! I don't have that much savings to last a lifetime without worry. I just live for the day. The past is left behind. The future hasn't yet arrived!
The good Doctor Hsu said that prices will come down in this period of deflation. I said very good. Still waiting for the egg price to come down!!
"Justin...I have commented at "The Might of the Pen" blog..as you requested."
Good on you.
Great man thinks alike huh! Was just thinking about it , guess you read my mind. Cheers
Cheah Hoe San,
So you are just a simple man, for I am just that.
Cheah and Justin look like brothers.
Are they distant cousins?
If so..then Justin and Cheah look like their mothers...as a bee goes from one flower to another .....but nowadays..flowers can fly too!!
Justin,i am ALWAYS reading!!keep it up!!
Probably Justin has no idea there is a clone of him here, he does look like a twin to him.
Two great men having the same mind.
Seriously speaking...in Penang and Melaka....many wealthy snobs..who are close relatives..do married to each other in olden days.
I used to see so many identical twins in these two cities.
But Justin belong to the ordinary wage earner guy.
Did the flower.really fly?............hahahahahahahaha
Happiness and worry are not mutually exclusive and inversely proportional, researcher believe worry suppress production of dopamine
in our body which is essential for feeling happy.
Monsterball & Anon,
Cheah Hoe San is exactly the opposite of me. We are poles apart.
He speaks softly, I curse.
He is very patient, I cannot wait.
He is handsome like Cliff Richard, I am botak, short and stout.
He is yellow but can speak Mandarin, I'm yellow, but can't.
He has a wide circle of friends, I'm a loner.
He has been a novice monk, I have not.
He visits Tua Pek Kong to Lord Subramaniam, I only the Buddha.
He climbed Mt Kinabalu, I only hiked up the neighbourhood cemetary to "visit" my grandmother.
Last but not least, he is mysterious, I nothing to hide. Even Monsterball can read me like an open book!!
With his permission, I can share with you all, our past chequered 20 years of relationship. Before Monsterball has any funny idea, our relationship is not what he is thinking. We are family friends connected together like a jigsaw puzzle as neighbours, schoolmates, and other mysterious connections, stretching from Subang Jaya to Penang; from Brickfields temple to Brahma Kumaris!!
Thank you. Your message loud and clear.
I still think they look like twins!!
Go get your eyes tested!!
Big joke here, twins? Haha
My eyes are as sharp as an eagle...having both eyes...cataracts peeled off.
Maybe you should check up the history of a long lost brother?
If I go check my roots, you may be my long lost brother. Then I will have a share of all your cheroots!
Come to think of it, you look like me!!! Or I like you??!!
hahahahahaha..if you are my long lost brother...my dead mom must have been naughty.
But my hylam father ...a bank manager..was one hell of a handsome brave guy.
So many women after him!!
But if I have a long lost brother like you....most welcome to my cigars...and I can be assured of a good tourist guide in Penang.....and you and your family can stay in my humble home...anytime.
If you trace to some one thousand years ago...gosh!!..you stand a good chance ..to be my long lost brother.
Maybe you should 'kow chiam" and ask Chief about us.
You took care of him in Penang......and I took care of him in K.L....for 15 years.
Maybe Chief knew something...both of us cannot see.
Hope he visits and read your blog........laughing!!
You look more like Cheah...and I am a Hainanese. I bet you Cheah...is same like you...Hokkien......correct?
And don't you try to claim relationship..for the sake of my cigars!!
hi...go to Doc's blog and make him see the 'root cause' la.
You posted.I follow. Now your turn!!
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