Tonight Is the Night!!!
Let the 3 Bs : Batang Ai and the two Bukits be the First Message for the new PM.
Let the Eye, the Moon and the Rocket (in alphabetical order) be the welcoming presents for the new PM.
Let the Moon shine to light up the freedom path!
Let the Rocket soar to seek justice for all!
Let the Eye see Freedom, Justice and Equality for the Nation!
(POSTSCRIPT: After tonight I shall have a NEW LOOK!!!
Watch my post tomorrow!)
[Oops: I got the date wrong. I thought it was Tues 7.
The post above is supposed to be for Tues 7.
That's the price you pay for being retired, losing count on the days!! Quite a few times I went to withdraw my FDs on the wrong dates, before maturity and lost on the interest!!]
Let us show them our tiny power in our hands, if combined, can be a formidable force for them to toe the line.
We had enough of their whims and fancies.
The Eye, Moon & Rocket is a good combination. This is the way to go, fellow Malaysians.
After tonight I shall have a NEW LOOK!!!
Watch my post tomorrow!
Let me guess...wanna have a 'Yul Brynner' style again?
New look? Punk look?
Whatever look, you are just as 'handsome', Justin.
Hahaha......cool man
One up on Yul Brynner. No punk look.
You either like it or hate it; most probably laugh at it!!!
But certainly very eye-catching!!
Since I got the day wrong, you'll have to wait another day because I want it to coincide with the "presents" that the right-thinking voters are going to send to the new PM. Mine is also a present for the new PM!
Justin you're really good at keeping us in suspense huh! 'Boy George' is certainly out of the picture haha. Probably clean shaven head and bandanna with logos of the EMR wearing sunglasses:p
Tonight IS the Night, let us sing together:-
Tonight IS the Night,
to show them our Might,
just sit Tight Tonight,
to celebrate our Might,
and begin new dawn with Light.
Let the old Mamak goat who is ashamed of his roots face the ultimate humiliation!
Tonight Is the night!!
And I shall then reveal all!!
With new dawn with Light,
Our future shall be bright,
Lets show them our Might,
Tonight Is the Night,
Reveal what is right,
Erase wrong with right,
That's also our rights,
Tonight IS the Night.
from klm of Dr. Hsu's Forum
Tomorrow is in sight
New dawn in light
New hope shine bright
Life journey in daylight
and I continue,
Life journey in daylight
Make Malaysia bright
Tonight IS the Night
Justin ar,
You withdrew your FD interests on the wrong dates?
You've AGED! HAHA!
Try some memory booster supplements or whut, and have your eyes checked too. Or next you may even misplace your denture (don't tell me all your teeth are real!)..:P.
All my teeth are still intact except one. No denture.
I am not that old like that Old Goat who is ashamed of his roots.
The 2 constituencies in which the old goat campaigned at lost by BN to bigger margins! Hahahaha
So much for old Kutty.
Your "Tonight IS the Night" has urged me to continue it becomes a poem. Many joined in as you can see in Dr. Hsu's Forum. http://hsudarren.wordpress.com/2009/04/04/repeal-the-act-pm/
I wish to regrouped those poems for your record. Maybe you would like to re-post these combined efforts of all nice people in a separate post. Your choice.
Tonight IS the Night,
to show them our Might,
just sit Tight Tonight,
to celebrate our Might,
and begin new dawn with Light.
With new dawn with Light,
Our future shall be bright,
Lets show them our Might,
Tonight Is the Night,
Reveal what is right,
Erase wrong with right,
That’s also our rights,
Tonight IS the Night.
Tomorrow is in sight
New dawn in light
New hope shine bright
Life journey in daylight
Life journey in daylight
Make Malaysia bright
Tonight IS the Night
We`ll sit tight,
a starry starry night.
A champion in sight,
soaring new new heights.
Nizar, the brave knight;
shouldering the rakyat`s might.
Fighting the people`s fight;
putting wrongdoers in flights
Bright light is in sight
Umno better hold tight
Admit the people’s might
Recognise their rights
Cilipadi is right
To vote PR with might
To fight, fight and fight
Till victory is insight
BN is not in sight
are they still in fight?
or go holiday in flight?
wonder where are your mights
Cilipadi is not always right
but this time he or she is right
Malaysians need to fight
Insist what is right
the results are good tonight,
Yes, tonight is the night,
pom pom girls and
maggi mee cannot
change wrong to right,
pohwatchdog is in fright
’cause Umno lost its might
cilipadi is right
vote PR with might
Tonight Is the Night
Malaysian has shown their might
Nizar is Malaysia’s pride
He fights for Malaysian’s plight
send pohwatchdog in flight
’cause he is in fright
its master lost its might
cilipadi is right
monk is not in sight
maybe goes celebrate tonight
with his hot chillies and might
cilipadi miss him tonight
2 Bukits show the light,
Gerakan has no might,
Kuala Sepetang used to be its likes,
People have abandoned the party alright.
For Malaysia the future looks bright
But for Gerakan, it is not so right
despite its members working tight
It cannot win the NOnMalay’s likes
The sky is bright
Another BUkit will be in the fight
Lanjan is the name of the blight
The coming fight does not look right or bright…
Fight, fight and fight
When can we stop the fight
KTK still think he is right
but he has lost his might
Justin Choo is right
Tonight IS the Night
Without Justin’s Night
No poem tonight
Cilipadi is right
Monk is also right
Vote PR is right
To fight for Malaysian’s rights
PAS moon is bright
PKR eyes give us light
DAP rocket is might
PR leads Malaysia to right
Gerakan, where is your pride
If you know the meaning of pride
Pull out of BN tonight
If you still care of your pride
Umno not care of all Malaysian’s rights
It cares only of Malay’s pride
2 Bukits proved Malays are right
If not, why PR won 2 Bukits with might
Another Bukit fight is in sight
Cilipadi again is right
Vote PR with might
To keep Malaysia sky bright
Fight, fight and fight
Till Umno is in flight
You are right,
But no celebration tonight,
Although my heart is light,
Everything is back in sight,
From dark to bright,
I am not in flight,
Here, I am here alrightt,
AAAhhh, I can sleep tight tonight.
I know you are not in flight
Of course you are alright
Lets sleep tight tonight
Begin new dawn with light
Let us relax tonight
Since no celebration tonight
Recharge battery with might
To make sure we are still in fight
I hope I am right
I share Malaysian’s plight
Outsider’s view may not always right
At least I hold myself with pride
Mighty M is has no more might
Like M, N is in fright
Still ignorance of Altantuya’s plight
Umno is sooner in flight
Good night tonight
My heart is also light
Recharge battery with might
To make sure we are still in fight
UMNO cannot add right
They are not so bright
The night that was the night
Gave them a hugh fright
Gerakan did no right
was the losing blight
Pom pom girls its only fight
It has lost it bite
One step into the light
Make the state upright
But cretins knows no right
Still think might is right
Charge the battery with might
We still have to fight
One step to the right
We will feel alright
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