A Short Introduction:
[ Lili the ever graceful lady has this to comment:
"Hi Justin, Monsterball is right. Yr posting is too deep. Straight thinking me don't know what u are rambling about until u explain it is about politics -"
"Hi Justin, Monsterball is right. Yr posting is too deep. Straight thinking me don't know what u are rambling about until u explain it is about politics -"
What did Monsterball say? Here it is:
"This is from a Buddhist text?Justin...all visitors are bored by our sermons.Lets rumble!Trace how and where strip tease shows started.I will give you King Herod and Soloma....dancing and stripping...got John The Baptist head cut off..as the starter.Now maybe you can give us an incident...a wife cut off..husband dick..seeing a strip tease show.By the way.....what is the moral of your so deep sermon?
This was my reply to Monsterball:
"Aiyoooh Monsterball,This time you really disappoint me greatly.
It's about the state of this nation. The recent spate of arrests on corruption prompted this story. Full of corrupted officials, and arrogant politicians. They are the products of this despicable system. The root cause is not them. They are just the unavoidable soiled products due to the flawed system of production. They are actually the victims of the system created and perpetuated by That Person. Although they do contribute to our miseries, but if you investigate thoroughly, we should castigate and castrate the very top of the power structure, then down the line all will behave. It's a very simple Rule by Example, it works both ways. Look at Singapore and look at Malaysia. Poles apart, but the truism is "monkey see monkey do". This is not a Buddhism story. Where got Maha Tail in Buddhism stories??Don't you notice this posting is labelled "humour, satire/sarcasm, special message"?
Enjoy the story now and sing along at the ending; just compose your own music to fit the lyrics!]
Once upon a time , high up in a mountain, in Nowhereland, there was a small lake with water crystal clear. No one had ever set foot on this Nowhereland, for no one could ever find it. You see, it is rather intriguing to even pronounce the name. Is it No Where Land, or is it Now Here Land?
The water in the lake was so pure that fishes thrived in it. All of them were very trim and fit, perfectly healthy, and when the time came for anyone of them to go, it was always due to old age. All were little fishes feeding on the natural weeds and algae. And whenever they had any problem with their lives and relationships they would always fall on Ye Olde Wise Turtle to consult. It was a lake made in heaven, in No Where Land, or was it Now Here Land? Well it was in Nowhereland, where little fishes lived a simple and contented life in peace and happiness!!.
Then one day, dark clouds hovered threateningly above the pristine lake. It never happened before, as there was always sunny sky. Panicked, they called up Ye Olde Wise Turtle.
"Oh! Wise Turtle, pray tell us what is happening, why are dark patches up above? We have never seen this before," cried all the little fishes.
" My dear little friends, bad tidings are here to caste a terrible curse on all of you!" warned Ye Olde Turtle.
"How could it be? We have not harmed any one. Why would any one want to harm us??"
Ye Olde Turtle then had to reveal the plain truth to the little fishes about the true nature of life, "You see, my little friends; life is not a bed of roses meaning that life is not like what you think it should be, forever for you to enjoy in peace and harmony. My little friends, in life there is always this person with a very big tail, sneeking around to cause havoc and suffering to innocent fishes like you. Let me tell you his name. His name is Maha Tail! Maha means big, and tail you know what. He will eventually descend and spew strange gases over the whole lake. But don't panic. All of you will not die. In fact the strange gases will make you feel happy and you will be fed with pleasure foods which you would never dream of. A handful of you will eventually get fatter and forget your humble beginnings. You will plunder and trod on all the other little fishes. I shall not go on further, time will eventually unfold the unavoidable drama in this Nowhereland.
I am sorry for all of you. The events will unfold in a span of about 30 years from now, and there will come a time where a huge rod of fire with a sharp pointed tip will descend upon you degenerated souls to cleanse all the dirt and filth that all of you would have accumulated. This huge descending rod is called a "Rocket"! It will have a huge red ring around it. When you see such a threatening structure, the end of your time is nigh!!
Oh you poor little fishes. You have no where to escape. The lake is your only home. As for me, I have to say good bye to all of you for I have to seek new pastures down the hill."
Having said that Ye Olde Turtle changed into Ye Olde Tortoise so that he could descend on dry ground to the other side of the mountain. Then Ye Olde Tortoise began to sing:
Down the mountain I come
Leaving all troubles behind
Soon some of the little fishes
will get fat with corrupted mind
Cheat and plunder all the rest
Little fishes become different sects
and one another they will fight like rats
The water will be filthy and all life guilty
For who can avoid the corrupted water
where escape is no avail?
Who is to blame but the devil
Maha Tail!!
This is from a Buddhist text?
Justin...all visitors are bored by our sermons.
Lets rumble!
Trace how and where strip tease shows started.
I will give you King Herod and Soloma....dancing and stripping...got John The Baptist head cut off..as the starter.
Now maybe you can give us an incident...a wife cut off..husband dick..seeing a strip tease show.
By the way.....what is the moral of your so deep sermon?
From the dirtiest pond...comes the pure lotus flower.
That is why..Buddhism...and Hinduism have dieties..sit on a lotus flowers....showing..the way of life. It is like telling us.....clean your dirty mind ..and you will be pure.
Aiyoooh Monsterball,
This time you really disappoint me greatly.
It's about the state of this nation. The recent spate of arrests on corruption prompted this story. Full of corrupted officials, and arrogant politicians. They are the products of this despicable system. The root cause is not them. They are just the unavoidable soiled products due to the flawed system of production. They are actually the victims of the system created and perpetuated by That Person. Although they do contribute to our miseries, but if you investigate thoroughly, we should castigate and castrate the very top of the power structure, then down the line all will behave. It's a very simple Rule by Example, it works both ways. Look at Singapore and look at Malaysia. Poles apart, but the truism is "monkey see monkey do".
This is not a Buddhism story. Where got Maha Tail in Buddhism stories??
Don't you notice this posting is labelled "humour, satire/sarcasm, special message"?
I wish to sincerely thank you for something that you never thought I would learn from you. Do you remember you wrote about the fortune teller lady. You mentioned about keeping her ashes. I never thought of that until you wrote that! I just brought back a few pieces of my mother's ashes placed in a beautiful 8-inch transparent acrylic "stupa" receptical specially made for this purpose.
I place it beside the Buddha image.
Monsterball, see how much you have contributed to my happiness! Without your passing comment I would not have thought about this.
Once again thank you Monsterball!!
I am stupid....yet made him so happy.
Justin ar,
Eh, this one not a Buddhism story ar? Actually Ven Fa Xuen had banged on my head about the similar parable of turtle and fish. What he tried to imply was that I should BELIEVE and have CONFIDENCE. Buddha is giving us the medicine, hence we should believe in him.
Justin, you're now in KL or Penang? Last time I thought of visiting the Brickfields Vihara Temple. But after I read about your conversation with Monsterball ar, eww... so much of gossips and rumors over there ar? Eiyer.. I dont want to go lah....hehe.
Aunt Li Li,
Heya there! Yvonne just informed me about you! What a small world ar! I had met Yvonne in her collage once, hence you can ask her how I look like...:).
Please feel free to write to me...:). And do you have a blog like Justin?
Hi Justin,
Monsterball is right. Yr posting is too deep. Straight thinking me don't know what u are rambling about until u explain it is about politics - again :<
Hi Gracie,
Yes, I did send a email to Yvonne to ask her to get in touch with you.
I don't have a blog. Actually, I am more of a listener. I like to read gossips and all the juicy current issues. But I don't really like to speak up.
I like beautiful things in life. Simple but beautiful. No need Prada or LV or Gucci. I think the most beautiful is a naked new born baby :-)
Your blog photo was taken in year 2006. Yvonne said that you are recovering well... Phew....
Take care and stay cheerful always,
Li Li
Justin, this is philosophy, Buddhist philosophy. It is so deep in meaning and yet so educational..
In every life there is the little fish and the Big Tail....
Please write more of these parables.... We can be enlightened with all these stories...
Thank you Dr Hsu, for the encouragement. You are a doctor, so you will never know how much pleasure and elation that such a tiny speck of dust like me feel when a learned doctor cares to put a comment in this blog.
But Doctor, please don't do it too often, otherwise this speck of dust may grow a tail, and in no time become Maha Tail. Never trust the fragile human nature!!
See? It takes a learned Doctor to appreciate my masterpiece!!
No dirty story for you in this blog. You will never succeed no matter how low you will try to pull me down!!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I am in Penang.
You should not believe what the Buddha said. In the first place who can swear that the Buddha did say "such and such"? The most important approach is to study what the Buddha "said", then use your common sense and human intelligence to analyze his teachings. If they are beneficial, then practise. If not, then discard.
As for temple politics, everywhere you go, you will face the same.
Remember don't believe in the Buddha's medicine. Take the medicine and feel the results.
Justin...read Doc's comment carefully. He said from Buddhist text.
You are so thrilled over Doc's visit and his compliment...got you so excited...taking nonsense to me.
Thanks LiLi....for your support and am so glad...through Justin blog...Gracie and you have become friends..and I think Gracie should be most happy.
Justin...writing a post about the history of strippers is not dirty. It is putting you in a class of special kind.
Since everyone is seeking happiness..how about the history of clowns and comedians?
I sure know...the history of cigars.
Justin advises to Gracie are penned out with a loving heart. This man is full of compassions and understandings.
Gracie should feel lucky...found a friend ...Lili..and a blog owner....who cares for her.
All of you living in Penang...should get to know each other.
Suddenly..there is a short introduction....to prove..he is right.
OK..you win.
Lili and me are stupid. You plenty smart ...like Doc.
Make Lili not happy...Gracie will hate you!
Gracie hates you...no more fun.Then you wait for Doc..to talk...high society talks....and out of this world ...deep thoughts.
LiLi and I ..still do not know...what you are talking about.
And we are not S..T..U..P.I..D!!!!
Justin, I am just a very ordinary man. just like a small candle. Maybejust like a tiny speck of dust.
Monsterball met me and he can tell u that i am just a small speck of dust. Not all doctors are like the BIG TAIL. I have luckily no tail....:)
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