So realistic and beautiful I thought I must share with all of you.
I chanced upon this beautiful piece of oil painting...so realistic I first thought it was a photo, until I read the artist's comment:
"Tropical fruits original oil painting by Wizan Zaini. This is one of my firsts oil painting. I sold few pieces (padi field landscape) to my friend. Arrgg! I dont have the photo and maybe one day I will visit him and take some photos of the painting. I started with watercolor (painting) then tried the oil in 2006. Actually I am an online designer since 1999. Today, I work less on graphic logo design (logowaves.com) as I have a team to do the job.Sorry! I don't have many oil to show here. If you want to see watercolor, I will have it here soon so please come back. This Tropical Fruits is now hanged on the wall in my dining area. No frame.. still on its home made stretcher. "
Yes! Thanks for your comments and publishing it here. I am working on abstract now.. playing with ICI paint - non gloss. Experimenting the colors and big painting.
the fruit oil painting is so realistic,however you will see some more which are much more realistic than this one on flicker. I am interested in oil painting and I have my own smallgallery oilpaintinggallery.net,look forward to share more of your oil painting ideas
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