I read that today 27 September is the birthday of Y.M. Raja Petra who as everyone knows is being incarcerated. This is a short message of support and gratefulness for what he has done for the nation, for all of us, at the expense of his freedom. A travesty of justice in the name of justice. Freedom sacrificed for the sake of freedom.
To wish Y.M. a "Happy Birthday" today, in my humble opinion, will not do any justice to him, to put it very mildly. There will be many well-meaning friends who will wish Y.M. so, as is the normal greetings on one's birthday. But today is not a normal day for Raja Petra. He is sacrificing his freedom for our freedom.
I wish him well.
I salute you, Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin!!
Justice will prevail in due course!

Poster Of Special Dedication by Bodohland
(May his future birthdays never be spent like today; but with his loving family!)
The Story of a Sign:
To all the ISA detainees, in particular to RPK on this day, his birthday...
Fourth annual Short Film Online Competition - Cannes 2008. The NFB, in association with the Cannes Short Film Corner and partner YouTube, is proud to announce that the winner of the NFB Online Competition Cannes 2008 is Alonso Alvarez Barreda for his short film Historia de un Letrero (The Story of a Sign) produced in Mexico/U.S.A.
Director : Alonso Alvarez Barreda
Running Time : 04:50
Year : 2007
Country : Mexico/ U.S.A
Category : Short film
Good to note...so many bloggers are wishing him well.
Yes...it seems...what majority Malaysians love or like...UMNO will try to destroy them...to force us...to submit to their way of thinking...their likes and dislikes..and do as they like with our money.
Have a nice weekend.
I received thru email and only showed still pictures. Didn't know it's a film.
Thanks Justin. I am sure millions of Malaysians feel the same way as you do. I have dedicated a poster to Yang Mulia Raja Petra Kamarudin and we all wish him well and eternally blessed and protected!
Bodohland (I don't like calling you such!),
You can see your poster in this post, duly credited to you and linked.
Thank you!
I and few others will buka puasa at Mederka Square...burning candles.with love for RPK...tonight.
Just completed my candle light walk with 2000 shouting....'Abolish ISA"
Kickdefella...wife and family...few NGOs and me..buka puasa....before walking.
Just returned home...dead tired now.
Good night!
From: Justin reporter...without pay.
Hey lembik dalbinder singh,please ask your lembik hero not to bully the rakyat with Isa.Today Rpk had to spend his birthday in a dreadful place ,BUT he is NOT alone!!Rightous will win over evil.The majority of bloggers in Malaysia and the WORLD are behind him.All the supports will snowball into another political tsunami!!The longer RPK was held,,,the support for him will be stronger day by day!!!!Najis ,please take notice!!
This is from Romerz commenting in Dr Hsu's blog:
By: romerz on September 26, 2008
at 4:52 pm
Dr Hsu,
Dalbinder is one angry young man who recently joined Gerakan. I met him at one of the PG Teh Tarik forums and he seems a pleasant young man.
Unfortunately he has fixed views about the ISA and the ‘goodness’ of Pak Lah and the BN government.
He is angry with me about making fun of our botak home minister and my repeated calls for the dismantling of BN and race based politics.
I think he found your blog through my blogroll and is ‘copy-pasting’ his comments at a few of the blogs linked to mine he considers against his beliefs.
Ps. It amazed me that even at this time, your party managed to attract an 18 yr old law student to be a new member. You senior members might want to educate him to think rather than to charge head on with his warped ideas of Gerakan and the BN.
And this shit 18 year old..law student do not know monsterball?
He is angry.....you say?
I say he is trying to brag.
Gerakan member????....hahahahahha
He should join MIC!!
hi...gilly doobedidoo singh...you fcuk around with monsterball...you are going be blown off!!
Yesterday...buka puasa with 15 of us...all FOC food...as last night...that shop give FOC to all...at Central Market.
The name of the restaurant is.....
"Restaurant Annexe"..ground floor...an Indian Muslim Mamak restaurant.
Must go back..and support again.
Such noble nice souls
Justin!! Are you also a member of Gerakan?
Justin,since lembik dalbinder is only 18 years old,he should educate him that his lembik hero is indeed a GOOD man BUT he missed out on being a good legacy BECAUSE he had bad advisors AND do not dare to take good actions JUST because he want to be nice to those tyrants in amno.He should ignore them AND concentrate to become the PM for all malaysians.When he did that NOBODY,even the granny old goat cannot touch him.Now no use crying for losing the chance to score the all important goal.Except one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,indirectly give malaysians a new chance to breath FRESH leadership ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on the other side.This is his last chance for legacy and greatness!!!!
Walau, things are getting exciting here, and I've read Dalbinder's postings at Dr. Hsu Forum.
Dalbinder Singh ar, you're still sucking milk from the bottle and sitting in the baby pram. But yet you want to be the Greatest Hero, yelling at top of your voice, trying to break the roof top.
Bising only. No one wanna hera la. Get a girl. Get some s*x education. Go learn about copulating. Forget about politics.
If you dare, show your profile, show your pictures like I do.
I'd love to post comments in your other blog. But I recall last time you told me to stay away from that pristine blog of yours!
Some Venerable are frequenting that place, hence no so proper for me lor....:)
Gracie....Justin can advise the wrong thing.
Go post at that pristine blog of his.
It turns me off...talking religious stuff.
Maybe one monk may willing to give up the robe.....if you agree to marry him. Everything is possible.
But best is still..be a mistress to Justine...better than be a wife to an ex monk.
Justin knows all the stuffs..how to make you happy.
Monk...you may need to teach.......like small boy.....no fun at your age.
Come and apologize to Justin and monsterball!!!
Anyone can make comments in my other blog.
I am no member of any political party.
But if you allow people to disturb me.....I will fcuk them left and right...and chapot.
Non political blog owner...is more free than political bloggers.
Minds also more open.
I wonder why.
At least you have on in K.Lumpur....that walk the talks..eh??
Your blog is getting popular.
Keep up the good work.
You will never talk to yourself now....with few new friends.
HAHA, you so funny!
Marriage? Aiya, no la, no fun. I'm not gonna stay at home with that crochety old meat all day long!
Mistress? I had been one last time. He was a married Japanese expatriate. Worse still. Scr*wing day and night only. I didnt really understnd him. What else in his mind? And I was not allowed to talk to other men.
Single? Oh great! I can wear the skimpiest clothing, flirt, strutt my stuffs and no man gonna pull my collar, drag me home and torture me with candle dripping, leather belt, bondage ala Japanese...:P.
Er, Justin, am I speaking with decorum?
Oh wait, I've read about the FOC meals in Central Market last time, but I havent checked it out. This is an interesting place that I need to take a look, to find out more.
What time and day the volunteers working, offering free meals? Who are those come for the meals?
And if you happen to be there, I also there, you can notice me from far. I usually take a bus home outside Central Market after returning from the prayer hall. I've BEAUTIFUL tattos on my arms, and I'm 5'8", and wearing heels...:).
Your comment is not with decorum!!
Gracie,nice to see you walloping dalbinder.Anyway he is of no use to you because he is lembik like his hero !!!Even waiko also cannot harden it!!
Monsterball,when you comment on religious matter,PLEASE do not overboard!!Its very disgusting!I just say facts.Hope you are not sensitive,old man.
Yip Gracie....with your description about you....no one can mistaken you.
Justin sms to me sometime ago...he may take two nights three days holidays ... to K.L. by Express bus..ALONE!!
I was waiting for his exact day and time to fetch him from bus sand.
Maybe good for you to eat him at bus stand....make up lost tiandeat at that restaurant.
I will be very very busy...traveling with a team of my rowdy friends..all NGOs...with my lap tops.to watch freedom of flights and movements by animals in the jungle.
Since the law of the jungle is applied....we are now rather concern about the safitness of the animals.
So don't miss out....meeting..Justin!!
If you join us in the jungle...those 10 big size He-Man ...will be worst that your Japanese lover.
You will not last one day....serving 10???
Well, i am a BN thats why i am being beaten up but i love the people thus i will fight for the people through BN. Thanks Monsterball for criticising my religion by screwing up my name which is given to me through my religious teachings.
I have many times said i am not bragging or talking big, thnks for your threat to kill monsterball.
Many comments are rude with so many bad words not taking into account that the young are reading the blogs as by PRU13, 60 percent of voters r from my age ok. I don't use bad words in posting comments, what i want to say is that you all are PAKATAN so thats why i kena. You listen Monsterball, I am not scared of your threats, you gave a restaurant name instead of your name , haha , are you really poor for the free food at the restaurant? I am 18 year old and doesnt mean my age is a barrier ok. I am a nephew of YB Karpal but i am not showing off. I am for BN and BN is the people.
Monsterball has not even allowed his profile to be shared publicly and calls himself a monsterball, why not monsterwithoutballs...
Bloody son of a gun...saying he is not bragging....now advertise...he is Karpal Sign nephew!!
I guess...every family may have a black sheep...but sadly for this idiot..his parents have a..one screw loose son.
If this guy pass his exams.. as a lawyer...God help those employ him...or hire him.
Indians and Sikhs love children to be lawyers and doctors...inspite of having one idiot like him....fit to sell cow milk.
Love is blind...and I hope his family will not waste educating such a sicko.
If he is my son..I will throw him to a well..and be done with it.
I was tying to say.
"MAY I...." to that young punk.with politeness.
Yes...go read Dr. Shu's thoughts!
Few weeks ago...said .give him two months...he will resign from Gerakan....if he fails.
Now he said..in or out of BN..he will stick to Gerakan...to so call.continue to his noble part.
Yes...Doc is revealing...he is a die hard Gerakan man.
I was hoping....few weeks more...he will resign...then we can be friendly again.
As I strongly believe..for or against BN...I am so glad....I do not post at a Gerakan blog....or MCA one....for that matter.
I am die hard for change in government.
I spent 5 years....walking the talks.
Let those 10% Malaysians and 90% Chinese racialists.. kind of people...keep pretending...how loyal they are as Malaysians.
These are the hypocrites...the ungrateful...the opportunists...selfish Malaysian Chinese...that have contributed to disunite Malaysians.
Let them live with their smart selfish moves.
As much as they do not walk the talks..they are also contributing .to disunite us.
Some are helping to give thousands of jobs and opportunities to all MALAYSIANS.
I know few...filthy rich ones...supporting BN..but they do give back...alot..in their own ways. These may perhaps be excused..as ..great sins...balanced up with great noble acts...even up .in life.
I wonder ..what have "True Malaysian" and Doctor Shu gave back to Malaysians.
Doing charity work...is not good enough.
It's like creating poverty and trying to help the poor back.
It's like USA government....destroying a country..then try to build it back.
That's why..USA govt. is a Satanic one.
It's some sort of guilty feelings...pricking the conscience to act and do good...to bluff himself...how good he is.
Writings tell a person's character...and mine is an open book!!
No twisting..no diplomacy..straight to the point.
For that..."PLEASE LEAVE US" was told to me??
My goodness...life is certainly unfair.
Get it clear cilihot...your messages are shallow and IQ very low.
Monsterball, Monsterball,
Are you going to be more famous than the "wise old man" for the wrong reason?
Sorry that was a 13 June 2007 posting!!
Once again Monsterball, i am not scared of you, your replies have exceeded the level of rudeness till I had to call you MonnsterWithNoBalls,
For you to say that if you have a son like me, he will be thrown into the well, sadly i guess you don't have children and you don't know the meaning of love, secondly, you don't know what is freedom so if your son were to express anti-pakatan, he would go to the well also. haha. .. You have gone overboard criticising my religion which i am quite faithful in, no beard no turban doesnt mean i am not a Sikh, go get your facts right, you have touched my religion thus i am upset with those who post comments here if they continue to defend you, answer me la monster, are you really poor for the free buka puasa food at some restoran annexe or waht, I am not a punk, but i am an aggresive youngster who can kill people like you. jsut because i am a BN , thus he said i don't believe in my religion, so meaning if i do believe in my religion which i do, must i be part of pakatan TIPU rakyat. I advocate to no rudeness and dirty language and our young are reading what we write.lol .. monster with 1 ball only, 1 huga ball oni, haha , sitll not normal human with 2 balls, but i dont wanna discriminate that, go get your demographics right first,
oh yeah, about all your threats, through whoever lawyer, jagit singh or anyone, i dont care, dream on i will be a pondan, i fight for the people tru BN without fear or favour, maybe we can start debating issues rather than a personal war, but i officially declare war against pakatan haunted contents blogs, a friendly war, once again i m not scared of you monster, you are conservative saying indians and sikhs love their kids to be lawyers and doctors, thus from this we knoe you dont allow freedom of selection of career to ur kids if you have kids too. i would love to have a friendly meet up with you soon, but of course not at a restaurant where food is served for free to the POOR PEOPLE. .. be more polite la cut the bad words out, aiyo .. be friendly a bit also la ... i m not asking you to do all this because i am getting scared of you, your actions now making me more not scared of you LA OK ..
Your blog is now famous with all these rascals. Just wonder the rascals have any culture left with them.
They better spend time to learn from Raja Petra and very unfortunate to see this post tainted by these rascals.
Tell them to talk shits in their own blog.
siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas
monsterball, as i view it now, Gerakan is almost on the verge of going out. Compared to 6 months ago, even the SEc Gen has expressed views that we should be out..read the breaking of of the iron triangle in my blog.
So , if there is hope, i wil not abandon, because my training is such that we do not abandon any pateint who has even 1% hope of recovery.
But as I member, rest assured that i will never have anything to do with UMNO, or even MCA or mIC. We are just grassroots members , not in the decision making level, but we can push during dialogue or national conference. I still maintain that if we can push gerakan out of BN, the effects on change will be greater than we just quit individually. 20 of my KL associates quit and joined Dr Tan Kee Kwong in PKR yesterday.
I have never banned you. yes, i called you provocateur because you were provoking others and starting wars and so on, and i think i was not wrong to call u that.And you twisted what people wrote, and for that u apologised, meaning that you admitted you twist words.Because you were provoking others, I requested you to leave by using "May I" which you have made fun of so many times in Justin's blog.
If you are not provoking others, then the request does not really apply.
Provoking means name calling, cursing, shaft people into you-know-where, twisting facts and so on.
I do not understand that if you can be non-provocative in Justin's blog, why you need to be provocative in other blogs?
Maybe Justin's buddha self is exerting influence even in his blog space.
Anyway, I choose to reply to you now, because i hope you are much calmer now.
To use capital letter means to stress importance and does not mean angry.. Angry means shaft people it you-know-where, or 4 letter words...
I have no hard feeling agianst anyone including you, even though you have really caused me much headaches and I have to appeal to you on so many occasions that i have lost count.
Chinese saying that 3 feet of ice does not form in a day... It is the repeated behaviour that compelled me to made the "may I" request to you, and which you have made so much 'fun' of.
I know you are going to answer more, and i will not response because i do not want to turn Justin's 'sacred' blog into a 'shafting' field. hahahahaha
Sorry, i did not notice the monsterball comment this morning about cilihot when i wrote my above comment
I agree with Dr.hsu not on the part about leaving Bn n all but after that, it applies to me too. yeah peace, hey Dr.HSu, do you knoe there r many doctors that if let say patient 10 percent chance of recovery they wil say sorry i give up, but you dont n i like dat bout u , reflects a lot in ur actions. I am sorry for the things i have been doing on blogs, but i am a pro-BN thus from now whatever i say will be said professionally .
To Dalbinder Singh Gill,
It is good that you told Dr Hsu that you are going to write professionally from now on.
There are some people like me who do not go to all political blogs.
In Justin's blog; for me Monsterball have shown to me that he is a person who is fighting for a better Malaysia. He definately have children & grandchildren. He drove to Permatang Pauh to be with the NGO for the by election and spend nights for candle light vigils recently.
All for what ? For a safer Malaysia. For a freedom in religion. For a fair chance for our children to have a better education.
I don't know what you see as an 18 years old lawyer.
All I can see here, there are alot of poverty in the state of Selangor. Alot of Malaysian are not having birth certificate, drop out of school at Form 2 etc. Teenagers being used as drug pusher. Old Folks being abandoned by their kids and not getting welfare aid.
Who are these unfortunate people ?
Alot of Chinese and Indians.
What are you talking about fighting for BN ?
If the old government have done their jobs properly, there will be no Palace Mansion built on poor people's land.
Giving free food one time for a group of orphans is a Big Joke.
I would like to know who paid for your law education ? Your parents or your BN government ?
Thank you very much.....lili
Yes...lili..you seem to UNDERSTAND the real truths...mentioning the palace mansion....and many more like that...and who supported such people...yet they don't feel guilty one bit!!
Yes..lili...you have calmed me down...not others...nor am I going to response to defend myself.
But for Doc..I also thank him for his friendship....and lets stay that way.
I can see..his mind is set..I am still the trouble maker in his blog...while he kept ignoring those hypocrites...insulting me.
Doc have a weak spot .for refine and cultured discussions...and balls carriers.
For that..I will aways be...the odd man out.
Yes...I can easily be provoked...like what that young Singh was doing to me.Just go through his messages..inviting me to response...and cilihot?....well.I hope he/she knows..how I think now.
Lili..Again...thank you so very much...not because you defended me....but because you appreciate what I gone through...but showing...you are grateful person.
That's very rare nowadays.I wonder why.
And there are thousands like me...there...to be grateful for.
When I am with them...I admire those thousands of people......really sacrificing their lives for Malaysia Malaysians..and I feel so guilty...I did not do that...at my younger age.
To Dalbinder Singh Gill,
I just want to clarify that I have never met Justin or Monsterball.
It serve no purpose on my part, if you think I am trying to butter Monsterball.
Not many Malaysian are lucky like you to be studying law.
I am one of the unlucky ones that are born poor in this rich & prosperous land Malaysia.
My parents could not even pay for my Form 5 & Form 6 school and exam fees.
Isn't it shocking that it is happening in Malaysia ? Poor students ?
I cycle to school, that was 20 years ago. And along with me there were many Malay, Chinese and Indian students who also did the same. Sadly, alot of my Malay kampong boys drop out of school and were drug pushers.
This year 2008, one of the Malay guy similar age to me, ran away from the Narcotic police, jump into the river and died.
The moral of the story, I hope that each Malaysian will have a fair chance to improve their life. The poverty gap between the poor and the rich has become even worst as compare to 30 years ago.
li li,
I admired monsterball participation in those walks too.(can monsterball shows any photo of the so-called 'walks' claimed to be participated? I wonder how he or she looks like. Anyway, even if he or her show off, I cannot be sure is 'real' as I also don't know 'real' monsterball )
Just what out his or her 'mouth', then he or she should be fine. If not, we can just ignore him (or her?).
You will know monsterball true colors.
Doc...I will try to response to your kind message to me.
Using that 1% excuse.being a doctor.....not to leave Gerakan can also mean...you are a die hard Gerakan member.
And I risked my live...fighting UMNO and BN.
So..you are my enemy's friend..even though ....you do not support any of BN parties.
Can I then presumed ..you have voted for BN ...all your lives...except ..maybe..12th election?
Did you read Lili's 'palace massion" meaning well?
And as for me....apologising to others...does not really mean I am admitting I am in the wrong! Get it very clear.
I did that...to make sure "True Malaysian" writer feel comfortable to come back....and get it very very clear...I am not provoking TM. I am EXPOSING HIM!!!Right or wrong....I have the right to expose...as I see fit.
But out come few...insulting me...and you let them do so.
To me...you can be an unfair minded person..with a sly fox mind. Use that fair and sincere to others.
You see...Doc....my way of thinking...actions...are so very different from some of you....that you keep choosing to ignore the real truths...except LiLi seems to see them clearly.
She is so smart..to avoid ..pro political bloggers.....and I sometimes jump into those blogs...to find out...what's up.
Susan..kickdefella...Rocky..all are political bloggers...but non are pro UMNO or BN.
You are pro Gerakan...with a very special unique reason....so be it....but you are pro Gerakan....that's the fact!!
Again...your sentence..."May I..bla bla..PLEASE LEAVE US"...is an art..that we do need an expert English professor to decode it clearly for me.
If I go back..I am thick skin bastard. If I accept your explaination...I am admitting my English is lousy.
I am not a cheap scat...that can be thrown out and back..like a basket ball.
Anyway....you have again confirmed...I am not banned in your blog...but I do feel you owe me a big apology...defending you against CYC....monsterball style...you never say thank you...BUT I battled you...again on Gerakan...you took that excuse and quoted grandfather stories..to shame me.
Let Justin's blog...be the
"Middle Ground".
You see Doc...I asked Justin...which party he belong to...and he replied...no party.
This type of blog owners are more open minded...more socialble...more reasonable than political minded blog owners.
That's why...he has smart..sincere Lili...love his blog..including .yours trully.
Many more will come.
Can't we even be friends monsterball, lili and cilipadi yes you may ask me since when we r not friends but to me it sounds like we r not friends as the debate here, I am sorry if i hurt any1,Can we be friends Justin, Monsterball, Dr.Hsu, Lili, Cili Padi, True Msian n Romerz N Anil n all . I may be a pro-BN, but doesnt mean we cant be friends, monsterball i wasnt provoking you because i enjoy doin that k , no k ,, i am sorry..
Dear Dalbinder Singh Gill,
From your earlier post, alot in capital letters, honestly, I did not read & digest. Because there are so much anger in it.
We are not angry with you, just amused.
You are a young man & very energetic. Very brilliant too as you are a lawyer.
Put your positive energy into good use. Our friends - the Hindraf 5 & RPK are in ISA. Confined in solidarity cells without windows. These are done to break their spirit.
And here you are so energetic and trying to convince us to be Pro-BN. Why ? Why ? Why ?
If they did not Catch Teresa Kok and the Chinese daily reporter and stuff into ISA, my eyes could be half close.
I, for one am not angry with you. You are free to express yourself and be with anyone that you feel comfortable with.
"Be on the Right Path, that is the shortest way to your destination"
Doc...If your house is only 1% worthy to live in...will you spend 99% money to restore it...or buy another house?
What about your cars...medical tools...clothes??
What about...99% rotten fish...vegetables..furnitures?
Have you ever thought...by using your logic of 1%...still trying to save Gerakan..you are infact trying to save a racialist..UMNO balls carrier party...destroying the futures of thousands Malaysians?
Your logic...does not hold water...using your medical skills..to talk politics.
But I believe you are sincere...and hope you accept criticisms...like a gentleman.
cilipadi...You want to see my face and details...go to Justin's post on "CHICKEN" and click to my name.
And if you want real real lots of details...go to "shah101"...click to a post call..."Gremlin"
You need to go way back...some 3 years post.
That will settle who I am.
Then ...if you doubt I walked the talks and lighting candles ..with love for those under ISA...and young Malaysians...I have said all these in all welknown famous political blogs...and some were with me.You think I can lie t them...for years?
Use your commonsense..and don't expect me to prove to you everything.
I really do not care you believe or not...but trying to teach you... to respect the elders...not questioning them.
If Lili have not met me...and believe in me...you think she is less smarter than you?
Monsterball ,you have not answered me ? u want my picture.. add me in friendster at dalbin13@hotmail.com
Singh...Go play with your kind.
Absolutely amusing and confusing to read this drama between monsterball and dalbinder.
One writes in a twisted manner that reflects his state of mind. Performing mental capabilities in a unilateral way that bars him from seeing others' point of view. Truly baffling the sane and logical.
The other an aggressive young man, living di bawah tempurung. Supporting a party known for greed, corruption and abuse of power.
I suggest that this young bigoted boy look at the many economic indicators of our country, and weep at the lost of many opportunities and resources Malaysia have.... being bled dry greedy BN politicians; the many talents being denied the chance to contribute to the growth of Malaysia.
Open your mind, boy. You are 自欺欺人.
Justin,congratulations,May I know your record on the quantity of comments since you started your blog??My predictions came true.(on the popularity of your blog)))hahahahahahha!!Anyway,I must admit that I am grateful that you do not bar lembik singh from posting his comments here!!SEE!!He is being attacked by so many bloggers ,,,led by the master monsterball,,li li and now iamyuanwu!!Luckily you 'hear' me!!
Justin,I must admit I lose my cool when I cannot tahan when someone make ridicilous comments on religious heads.THat is not in good taste.As usual I will not attack THIS OLD MAN!!When a person write his comments at three in the morning,,,,,,,,,,which should be sleeping hours,I pity him!!!On political grounds ,I am on HIS side,rest assured..But on moral religious ground,,,,,,,,,
Justin,seeing my situation,I reflect much on the famous chinese saga, The Tales of the three kingdoms.I bomb lembik ,monsterball 'kill' him but he bomb me also!!and lembik dalbinder want to be a lonely hero with attack from all sides in your now famous blog!!!hey where is romezt???join the bombing lah!!
Iamyuanwu,,please look at the time someone post his comments here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,three in the morning (malaysian time)not from usa!!!So do forgive our fortune teller from Petaling Street.BUT keep on teaching this small boy ,lembik dalbinder,on the realities of life.Do not be blur blur like his lembik hero!!!!! Sleeping and honeymooning on the job,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Take him home,,,country road,,,,,,,,,,,,,to the place he belong!!!!!
Dr Hsu,hope you read this.In reference to me being attacked by a 69 years old spy(007),,,,,I am not instigated and will NOT reply or refer directly to him!!!I respect him and he is need to screw the brains of the last species fanatic 'flip flop lembik AND granny old goat' supporters'!!! I KNEW and NOTICED that YOU dare to be different But please realise that you are only a sheep among wolves!!!You have to convert the wolves into sheeps and lead them out from the herd.I do not believe former cm of Penang will do it!!!So as NIKE says,,,JUST DO IT.
I'm going to Kamunting on Thursday to send raya greetings to RPK and other detainees.
Have room in my car for 3 more. Interested? Call me tomorrow.
There....cilihot is exposed!!
A busy body...obviously love reading and and studying my character...where one...having IQ than him/her have confessed.."truly baffling the sane and logic"
Just go and read here 4 messages on the story of the mother!!
Not one...is sensible..just wanting others to come and give their opinions.
OK...learn and shut up ...cilihot!!
But no..she/he even try to instigate!
This person do not know the are .....how to twist and turn.....with loving kindness........hahahahaha
I am so glad Romerz have said...he will support or join one of Pekatan Rakyat party..at Dr. Shu's blog.
I am sure..he also have enough...taking about Gerakan...over and over again...same old thing..by a die hard member...making the excuse...he will try to save it....even if there is 1% chance.
That's bunkum...that's nonsense and that sucks!!
But Doc is a nice man...living in fool's paradise.
cilihot shout take up a job...to spy at cheating couples....for a fee.
Usually these people..ride on a motor bike...spying for a fee...to get one divorced...or another...making woopies...with another.....but not the right person.....so that the right person can sue that culprit with the wrong person.. as witness.
Case closed...divorced granted!!
Time and date ....most important.......and cilihot is the master of noting such things.
On the other hand....having such a neighbour is a pain in the arse...such a busy body..with a "chi pai" mouth.
Romerz!! Great loving kindness for RPK!!
Please let him know....we all love and respect him...maybe not all...save one...BN member.
Tell him...the sane...the busy body..the quiet and half monk..blog owner...even ex strip teaser and a very nice lady...all love him and wish him ......
Don't miss out loving kind hearted..sincere...noble...brave..monsterball.......hahahahahaha
cilihot...another cili padi that have no seeds...actually is an itchfy female cili...on heat and anything goes with her..upside down..inside out...top.. bottom...left right..all OK!!
She wants all the 32 styles...in one go!!
Gracie is laughing at her!!
Cilihot.. loves monsterball...but I shunt her!!
This parish vege....mixture of padi chili and jungle normal red ones...have a colour skin of weird purple!!
Now you call your cousins...cilipadi...ciliHot...clipedas..all come...and make monsterball happy.
Shit....today god news...65 hostages were released!!
But not without paying ransom by the government.
Even though...if all are UMNO members...OK la...pay and be done with it.
But 66 ISA plus 5 plus RPK...all stay put in jail!!
When I read the headline...I thought ISA guys were released.
Then my mind decides to be normal...to be like all of you...and was somewhat disappointed..yet happy for those hostages.
Now all the families can celebrate ...Hari Raya..really happily.
Do you think you guys..who disturb monsterball..have such a brain?
"MAY I"...teach you? It's call being versatile to the highest degree...you low down worms!!
Do you have such loving kindness for others?
So far..Romerz have shown he has.
What a kind soul he is.
And Justin hands and mind are very busy..so cannot type or think...but he has proven..time after time..what a kind..smart and witty man he is..through his writings.
Poor soul!! Dr.Shu is also a kind man...full of love...but clouded to be unreasonable...due to him mixing too much with politicians.
He may say...he is an ordinary member of Gerakan.....but he supports BN all his life....except....maybe last election!!
And that is due to the fact...thousands like me were treated like animals ...by UMNO.
So his guilty conscience took the better of him....put the "X"..for opposition.
I hope he go and think back..those few times .he supported BN....he is actually supporting race and religion politics..and how many millions have suffered..wuth his "X" for Gerakan.
Now things cool down....still..non stop Gerakan this or that...in his blog...and poor monsterball..the chosen scarifying lamb....showing Dr.Shu actually cannot take "NO" for an answer. One must be like .. True Malaysian writer...10% Malaysian and 90% Chinese and carry his balls.
Monsterball...carry balls???
He may take this as criticising him....but not so. It is monsterball style to show loving kindness to one...open his eyes. I respect him...that's why .. I decided not to play with his "MAY I".....and leave him alone. .before I am being misunderstood....again and again.
He has said...so much time wasted to delete and moderate...while I was there.
Not once...he thinks...that's the outcome...of wanting to be popular...just like...if you earn a million RM..you better expect a million problems in businesses.
I am like a cheer leader...a frontliner.He likes it..when blog is not so popular.
So...he better think properly...and not let his obvious weak side take control of him..with a sly fox personality..exactly like an ungrateful.. politician.
OK....enough of DR.Shu. today!
Like I said...many times...one can have few true friends...that are there..when you need them most..is a lucky person.
From my observations..ladies are more sincere friends and they do help each other..sincerely and as much as they can.
My mother was one..and she have so many good faithful friends...behaving like sisters..to her.
Some men have taken over as jealous and low class worms...such hypocrites.....as seen in blogs.
I hope in real life......not so.
I have my mother's soft heart and my fathers nerves of steel...and both are highly intelligent parents.
Combine them..give them to me..WOW!!..monsterball is unbelievably intelligent.......hahahahahaha
Self praise is no praise for young ones!! Old man ...OK....parting wise knowledge.....hahahahaha
How's my sermon.....JUSTIN?
I will not give up even. I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all. We are visiting flood victims in Penang tomorrow, interested email me at dalbin13 alias hotmail dot com.
Well.you die.18 years old.
I die..near 70!
Scared or not scared...I have a license to kill.
Do you?
Play with fire...you will live with no balls!!
Dear All,
Won't you get tired of all these continuous "not very pleasant" comments?
Why not post more positive comments and just let those who want to be negative and rude be alone.
I hope sincerely, during this festive season, let us post friendly and beneficial comments.
If we just ignore the rude ones, given time they would subside, or they would be fed up with this blog.
Have a happy day :-)
That's not even manslaughter!
That's an accident..by an old excited man..just get fined...and you have no balls.
All you can do is sue me...and get nothing...with a girlish voice...speaking in court...like a pondan lawyer...forever and ever...amen.
Dabedobedoo Gila Singh...is what you are.
You a Sikh? Are you sure...your mother did not curi curi to get a son like you?
No wear turban er?
Why...shameful to be real Sikh?
Maybe no money to buy mini sword or turban cloth?
What shit Sikh is you...no follow few 1000 years great traditions.
Do you know...the Bangalis...like you in India...are the wealthiest?
Oh I see....you want to be like ...Sharukhan ...an actor lawyer burok?
You think ..without your beard and turban...you be a better lawyer?
You think...you can be like Karpal Sign and his son?
Why.......you copy cat...just look at the way you write.
The only way...to save you...is with a turban and long beard...and pray pray hard..to..Gurus.. Nanak..Angad...Amar Das..Ram Das..Arjan..Har Govind...Har Rai..Har Krisnan...Tegh Bahadur....and Gobind Singh.
You think you know all your 10 Gurus??
Shame on you...if I..a Buddhist knows all your 10 Gurus...and you don't know them!
All an idiot like you..know is SharuKhan..the actor.
I think today..I will focus on the Sikh faith...and pray....to give you a bad stomach ache.
Let me know..tomorrow...the result.
If do not work.....I will turn to Javanese Vodoo.
One way or another..it must work.....or all those black magic..are bunkum.
I will be lodging a police report against Monsterball very soon for attacking the Sikh faith and religion.
Thank You,
Shah Rukh Khan is a Muslim, You mispelled the name of my Gurus, and we are not Bengalis, But Punjabi's , wealth is not everything Monsterball , its a material which cannot but happiness.
Dobedoobedoo Gila Singh....I love to see you in court!
Don't forget o file a report..I make fun of your name.
I mis-spelled your 10 Gurus??
Well at least I know them.
Now what do you know about Buddhism?
Must now...phone up Jagit Singh..to defend me...If not...JustOne Singh also can do.
Surely not... Dodo Singh...maybe your cousin.
I also check up..you not really a lawyer yet..you bluffer.
you study law...under BN scholarship.
No wonder...you carry balls of BN.
2 more years...you do not graduate.
Your answers to questinsre all mermoriosed..and new system..can detect your weuird character.
You will be sacked from the Uni...very soon.....and poor parents needtgo have face savuinghs.to finance you privately....maybe for next 10 years...also no lawyer...just laweyer burok....with no degree.
hi Pariah....don't be my spelling teacher....you sickening son of a gun.
It all depends whether it is tomato or toomator....or potato .or putartor..depends on which country you learn from.
Come on....how many Buddhists and tell put your 10 Gurus names....wrong spellings aside.?
Tell me the real name of Buddha?
hi I know some of the Gills.
I use to buy alot of pens from SS Gills.
Oh no..Don't tell me SSG is your father.
hahahahaha...Small fut teaching me about life....about MONEY MATTERS!!!!
Must have used the same line...telling parents...
"wealth is not everything"....whenever he wants more and more money.
No beard...no turban man....sure can talk cock.
No SSG is not my father or whatsoever, you are a very rude man, kudos to your parents for such education given to you, I am not being your spelling teacher but spelling the name of the most important Gurus in the Sikh religion is important thus a mistake cannot be compromised, you should have google it out to get the spelling right, what do you know about Sikhism i do not care nor will i ever care.
Hey since when i said i am a lawyer, another mistake by monsterball, Romerz have met me a couple of times and he knows i am a law student, nor did i ever say what i am doing in this blogs, Romerz introduced me through the comments, thus since when i ever said i am a lawyer or law student, i did not shout that out here at all but Romerz did. Thanks for proclaiming me as a lawyer ok.
to me, you have agenda monsterball, you are using such tactics for more info bout me, but for what, scared of me?
I am a law student and provately funded, another slap to monsterball.
Monster said i am funded by BN which is a total lie and he is fabricating stuff to frame me. My studies are funded by my parents and not BN. so if you are pakatan, can i say that to you as well, get your facts right monsterball.
Soooooo....Doobeedoobeedoo Gila Singh..You are not a lawyer?????
Why say it now? Why not before?
Anyway..even if you study till all cows come home...you will never be a lawyer.
Imagine...your loving parents waste so much money to see and idiot...study law....but then...to you...money is small matter.
Poor poor parents!!
Why don't you study...how to make cepati....dahl...and open food stall?
Do you like Hindustani movies?
I like watching the sexy ladies.
How about you?
But your little brother.....no license to kill yet....so forget about man's fun.
Next day...if you are nice to me..I will teach you where the birds and bees come from.
Have you seen...the famous....'Kamasutra" movie?
Even before since when i say i am a lawyer or not a lawyer or even studying law student, i did not mention my occupation at all.To me you are a friend, since when you are not a friend, because i got no enemies as i dont believe in enemies. Hey monsterball, can we be friends?
Monsterball and Singh,
I think that's enough.
Let's just end this "conversation".
Justin,tomorrow is a blessed day for muslims.May we pray to Buddha or whoever anyone recognise as the chief of the Universe may peace descend forever to all human beings.May there be no more hunger souls or famine.May the WORLD be freed from natural or un natural disasters.May the world be free that NO one religions are being insulted.May No human beings are differented by religions,race or class and can be co exist peacefully.May the leaders of Malaysia treat their rakyats fairly and accordingly ,,,,not to the colour of their parents.May my country be a joyful land whereas everybody can enjoy the bountiful harvest.MAY FREEDOM BE GRANTED TO RPK AND ALL THOSE HELD UNDER THE EVIL ISA.May someones GROW up and comment NICELY.Thank You.
THANK YOU JUSTIN,for allowing my comments just now.Phew!!I am not online during my normal working hours.I got a shock when I read the comments just now.I missed the typhoon!!!Luckily you stop This 'friendly' conversation.period.Atcually our thoughts should be on Mahatma Gandhi of Malaysia(RPK) who is in Kamunting now.As I had predicted(my predictions had been quite accurate recently)before,the support to RPK will snowball into a gigantic tsunami that the BN topshots will not be able to handle.The longer they bully our Gandhi,the faster they had to lose their power.Mark my words.
Our small boy had grown up!!!He joined Dap at 8.00 pm tonight.Frankly speaking,is it true???so fast turnaround,,,,,,,,,,,,but if it is true we should thank all those commentators who 'lead' him to the TRUE path!!
mr 69,PLEASE calm down.............your small boy had converted to dap nity!!!read his recent comments up there.calm down,do not be angry anymore,,,,,,,ok?
Justin,I remember that a lesson someone told me long time ago about our chinese table.Why is the chinese table ROUND instead of western square tables??YOU are the example of the round table,,,,everybody has a say and nobody get offended.You can have a career of a diplomat if you want!!!quarrel='conversation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,obsence,rude words=not nice.OMG.
Justin,someone live in a glass house but throwing stones.Someone can critisize others but forbid anybody judging HIM.Someone instigate nearly everybody but nobody can touch HIM.Like DR Hsu says, BUDDHA also got fire.In this teaser I did not name anyone,BUT you need a genius to guess who he is!!!!!!!!
Justin said stop......I stop....out of respect for him...but look at the cilihot...keep poking fire.
This young fut...is trying so hard...to be a pain in my arse...yet Justin doers not know it?
Justin,I have tried my very best to fish for more comments but only got one after 2 days!!Maybe some other posts,,maybe another day!!!!(I do not want to cheat by slamming in comments just for breaking records,hahahahahhahaha)(Did I mention any names????)Oh, some 'genius' guess my teaser!!
cilihot thinks so highly of himself.
He is such a downright low class worm..with such childish hints.
Talk straight..or hint...I will still fcuk you!
Finally did it.Found the chicken post .found my blog hero's pic.oh,what a handsome old man.print out his photo.looking at it carefully.carefully paste it on the toilet door.aiming intently.good.best bull eyes.with such form,I am going to win the darts competition tomorrow at the club.free drinks. happy hours for me.(please do not any ugly old man claim to be the one, as I refer to a real HANDSOME man with the looks of Chow Yuen Fatt!!)ok!!!hahahahhahahhahahhha.
With due respect, I suggest that the banter should end here.
Especially for this post, it is dedicated to RPK. We should be more respectful to RPK.
Justin,Before I go to sleep,(I had to cari makan tomorrow),I send my prayers to Lord Buddha for some light in the tunnels of Malaysian Politics.I also realised ONLY the changes of the government in Malaysia can ensure RPK's freedom.|Let us UNITE and concentrate on our unwavering SUPPORT to any movements connected with the abolishment of the evil act.I pray for the urgent freedom of ROK, the Gandhi Nelson Mandela of Malaysia!!Let the SUPPORT snowball into another gigantic avalance to FREE all under ISA!!
Justin,I aim the darts to the dartboard I nail on my toilet wall facing my loo,practicing my concentration and aim.Of course I paste pics of my idol on the toilet door to cheer myself up!!!!(which I change regularly according to my moods)
So please change your mood to that of peace and goodwill.
As I have said twice already; and this is the third time; just keep to the topic of the post.
9th october.D day.Let hope that Mr Lembik hard up one last time.Go for the President post.Die fighting rather than die sleeping!!!!Give us a hard up surprise!!!If not ,do another good deeds,change the Home minister and Free the Mahatma Gandhi of Malaysia!!!
I heard that botak had gone hiding when the Hindraf and the free RPK bloggers visit Pm on hari raya Puasa.Why he had to hide???Did the other ministers asked him to hide in the closet??What HAPPENED if he is there???What are their PLAN when they see HIM????si Botak is a COWARD.
Prayers to Buddha may our present country leaders WAKE up from their sleep and understand what the rakyat need.May the freedom to the innocent HEROES who are locked up in Kamunting just because they exercise their freedom of SPEECH.If the present gov. deem them wrong,CHARGE THEM IN COURT.Pak Lembik,if you want to be remembered as a legacy,this is your last chance to take action!!!I have voted BN except this 2008 general election.do you know WHY???????????????PLease WAke Up !!!
We ,the common folks are warmed up by the activity of the movements to free rpk and abolish isa.If there are plans in IPoh,,,please let me know.I will support hands and legs and brains also...........I will try my very best to SUPPORT sincerely.
Marina lee,you are not alone.the support will snowball into a fury of fire to rid the evils of ammnoputra.
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