Inul Daratista after concert in Singapore, 2004
If you read the comments for my first post on the same topic; looks like I was using the wrong wave-length, or were the readers on the wrong track? All the comments were nothing related to the topic! What a let down!
Never mind. Here I go again.
The second teaser is below (including the above beauty):

Justin,sorry to let you down,but I do not understand your teaser!!Yes ,I appreciate the nice scenery photo and the photo of Inul.Inul is very famous and was banned from performing here but very pious fellows!!I do not want to comment further..........................ok .bye.
I also appreciate the scenery...as I understand the above lady ..is married ...hooked ...lined and sinkered.....and a mother of one?
Why can't he put out free for all ladies.
Where is Gracie?
Got up in the morning..seeing that sexy girl...my brother get excited.
I then look at the scenery photo...my brother stays calm and normal.
For my age...it is an achievement!!..hahahahahaha
Apparently someone here trying to tell you that he was a genius, but he wasn't. So he is trying his luck again to prove to you that he is 'just very smart'.
So, is he 'just very smart'?
To me, I just couldn't be bothered to get answer to your teaser. I just wait for the 4th part, and I get the answer.
By the way, are you physically in Bali?
As I wrote; if you got it right you are a genius. If you got this right you are very smart.
There are 2 to go.
Physically in Penang lah taking care of my 3 yr old granddaughter full time!!
Hey, I am getting cofused. I didn't know cilyhot and cilipadi are talking here until I sent me comments.
Or are you both the one and the same??
No Justin.....chilipadi is following me everywhere...to get my attentions.
You entertain him .
I have good vibrations!
Kickdefella is released!!
I am cilipadi, cilyhot is my brother in blogsphere.
So, cilipadi is cilipadi, cilyhot is cilyhot. Haha
Justin,this is the last time I officially announce that I am not connected to cilipadi,or any other cili.How to prove it??Our style of writing comments are different!!I am malaysian and he/she is not!!I am from Ipoh but I do not know where is he from!!He is antimonster and I am antinobody!!I just joined your blog (you knew it when)and he/she had been around many many moons ago!!!
I sent you some messages in Justin's blog just now. Please refer
Want to know me better, go to the link above.
I think both of us like chilly, that is why I am 'padi' you are 'hot'.
Yip! Justin....Your blog is attacked!!
Get it clear...cilyhot...is your ONLY regular.
Do not frustrate this fine..visitor
cilipadi,my namesake fellow brother blogger,I have read your links,thank you.
Truth will prevail. Let natural take its own cause.
siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas.
monsterball,please cool down,he is just cilipadi.if you don't take it,there is no fire in your mouth.just look at it,do not eat it.then no harm to your health!!!!
Thank you.....cilyhot!
Many advises me to ignore too.
I will stay focus and post..ignoring insults.
Hi Justin,
Sorry, I also did not get/understand yr teaser. Too "chim"... :-)
I only see beautiful girls & Bali ???
Hmmmm.... oops. My mind also wondering like everyone else. Cannot catch yr meanings !
Li Li,
Aiyoh why you so blur blur?? You should go to #3 of 4!!
LiLi...Don't be fooled by Justin.
Next thing he will tell you...you must reach the stage of Buddhism studies...like him...then you will understand.
Then he will tell you where to learn great Buddhism studies.
He is another religious fanatic.
Fortunately Buddhist fanatics..the more crazier they are...the more lovable they become..so harmless and full of shit.
I also cannot see beautiful girls with nice breasts.
So you see balls...I see breats.
We are natural and passionate people.
He sees NOTHING!
That's Buddhism NUT {Justin}talking....hahahahahaha
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