A jubilant Raja Petra on his release from ISA detention
(Picture from The Malaysian Insider)
(I Like This Picture: Note The different Races!!)

(Poster from Bodohland)

(Poster from Bodohland)
Hero Petra : Welcome Home!!

Raja Petra, surrounded by his wife and supporters,
is all smiles after his release from detention.
Picture by Choo Choy May (The Malaysian Insider)

(From Anil's Blog)

(From Anil's Blog)


A victory on the goodness side.The darkness of evil will be overcomed by the brightness of the noble side.The victory of Obama in the US presidental election give encouragement to the goodness here!!!The pressure will be on the EVIL side!!!How can those people justify the 'ketuanan' theory WHEN Barrack Obama shows that IT CAN BE DONE!!!YESSSSSSSSS WE CAN.
They say..good news comes in pairs.
RPK released..and Anwar won case to be heard...as it is.
So is bad news come in pairs.
My 9 year old Pug that gave me 7 litters...died today...and my HP..suddenly no light! Screen just blank.
Buried my Pug....bathe...and went out shopping....for few personal items.
On RPK...he need no one to disturb him for few days....and the judgement to free him ...immediately.. gives great hope of a better tomorrow.
RPK have sacrifice his life for the country.
I hope..he is as happy as he should be.
Hi Monsterball,
Sorry about your pet that pass away today. 9 years are very long and lovely time she has given to you and your family.
Gosh... I am so happy that RPK is finally released from ISA. He should not be in jail at all for the bad deeds that other people has done.
I hope that justice prevails at the end.
Have a happy and lovely week everybody !!!!!
Justin, feel free to use any of my posters. Thank you.
Monsterball, sorry about your Pug. She has gone to a better world.
All RPK fan, 7 November will always be remembered as a Day of Perseverance, Day of Courage and Day of Freedom!
When he was out,RPK reminded us about the plight of those he left behind in Kamunting.What a considerate and selfless hero!!The Mahatma Gandhi of Malaysia!!
Thank you..Lili and Bodohland.
I wonder ..is there a govt. dept to submit complains about possible bogus animal doctors ....dentists and medical human doctors?
In my lifetime...I have encountered all these irresponsible so call medical centers..I made the biggest mistake to rely on the animal doctor...checking up...my 9 year old pug...suffering from passing out stools..."waterly".
I gave antibiotics...and that doctor said...not strong enough...and he gave her two jabs...costing me.RM85..two day later...got fits and died.
Just few doors away from that clinic...is my wholesale food supplier for yeas....and owner told me same thing..that her old cat died two days later..when that doc gave said cat...two jabs.
I changed animal doc...from Subang Jaya..SSS15/4E...to SS18/6..few years ago.
There were real good 3 doctors...Ms.Lee..Dr.Nathan and Dr.Christopher.
All of a sudden...clinic sold off...and totally new staffs....and that was my first encounter with that new Indian Doctor.
At Subang Parade...there was also a huge expensive animal hospital...closed shop..due to lousy doctors.
I should have not let my pug be examined by the new Doc.
That 9 year old pug..DO NOT need high doses this or that!! I forgot to use my commonsense and stopped him..as she ....like old folks....very old...will need careful and simple medical treatments..with few follow ups.
The clinic at SS15./E is the worst....heartles...with a big mouth.....killed more than curing.
I always wonder when will he..another Indian .. will close shop too!! But I guess...there are always suckers...impressed my sweet talks and not observing the lousy medical knowledge.
He..killed two of my dogs and one cats...and the last straw was...cutting the nails of my dog....all toes bleeding....making me confirm...he is either a heartless doctor or a bogus one. Then I found...the SS18/6...now new owner...first time see.my pug died.
I need to look for another.
I hope this will help anyone..reading.to learn something from my mistakes.
Dogs are like human beings. They take same kind of medicine...and keeping basic antibiotics...de-worming pills...antibiotic cream ...for skin treatments....bathe dogs..every week..you will save alot of medical fees.
I still miss my 9 year old pug..but all her litters are with me...and one female..look exactly like her....now 4 years old.
I wish to apologize ..using this post on our beloved RPK....talking about my dog.
I meant no disrespects .to all RPK fans.
No amount of compliments and nice words can describe my admirations for RPK...who dares all government crooks...and expose anything and everything..with out fear.
His thoughts and interpretations on his religion..is much much to be admired.
There is no doubt in my mind..RPK..do have millions of admirers.
He value freedom so much..that he will support Anwar with his life...yet he will not join any political party.
He is not an opportunists....not a selfish man.
Fortunately...his added strength comes from his lovely wife..supporting him all the way..through thick and thin.
Like I said...he needs rest and be with his family..without anyone...bothering him...for few days.
I am brave...but not as brave as he is....and that's what make him .special to me too.
Sorry for the "mistake" you made.
As I have told Mrs Wheatley of RSPCA electrocuted/executed my sick dog; and I just let her do it like a stupid fool. At that moment of desperation, we can't think straight, or think at all!!
You are right, I too have very low opinion on Vets.
Yes, we'll skip "the doggie chat" from this post.
Didn't realize that.
hi "bodohland"....went to your blog...see no face of yours...put own my first message...already under moderation.
Am I that terrible...and "MAY I"...ask you..LEAVE ME a reason...why?
Justine...no choice. Again..no disrespect to RPK.
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