Barack Obama's childhood
(Photo courtesy of Maya Soetoro-Ng)Barack Obama rides a tricycle during his childhood in Hawaii.
I just joined this great campaign to send a global message to Obama and thought you might be interested -- here's the LINK:
Here's the message from AVAAZ:
Dear Friends,
After 8 long years of Bush – finally a fresh start!
Obama's victory brings a chance for the US to finally join with the world community to take on pressing challenges on climate change, human rights, and peace.
After years, even decades of distrust, let's seize this moment of unity, reconciliation and hope to send a message of warm congratulations and invitation to work together to the new President and the American people.
We've built a huge wall near the White House in Washington DC where the number of signatures on our message and personal messages from around the world will grow over the next several hours. We've also asked Obama to personally receive our petition from a group of Avaaz members. Let's get to 1 million signers and messages to Obama!
This is a time for celebration of democracy, but already the sharks are starting to circle – oil companies, war contractors, conservative lobbyists, and the powerful neo-con clique that brought us the war in Iraq are looking for ways to dim the prospects for change. Obama has promised national unity, and these interests will ask a high price for that unity.
Let's act quickly to make sure the people of the world are heard as Obama makes crucial choices in the coming days on how to live up to his campaign promises to secure a strong global treaty on climate change, ban torture and close Guantanamo prison, withdraw carefully from Iraq, and double aid to make global poverty history. Rarely has a US President been more likely to listen to us.
We'll make the point that on most of the pressing issues faced by Obama and the American people – from the financial crisis to climate change -- we need to work together as one world to achieve change. Sign below and forward this message on:
With hope,
Ricken, Brett, Alice, Iain, Paula, Paul, Graziela, Pascal, Milena, Graziela and the whole Avaaz team.
Yip.....First black American President..after 200 years.
We still have 150 years to get first Chinese or Indian Prime Minister.
That's how UMNO thinks..and BN agrees with them.
African American civil right struggle is long and hard, being the biggest minority group in USA, it is quite an achievement where the few highest offices in the land are for WHITE man only since independence.
The native, Japanese and Chinese Americans horrific experience and persecution will be hard to happen again under a minority president.
Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
Hi Anon 9.23am,
This is my personal blog. This is not a forum, so no moderator, except me.
Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
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