Today, 27 March 2010 marks my second year into this blog. I have come a long way since I published my first post. What did I write on my first post? Let me "copy and paste " here:
[Thursday, March 27, 2008
Out in cyberspace wonderland!!
Hi people of cyberspace. I wonder anyone is reading this. It's like striking a lottery if you stumble on this blog! So go buy yourself a lottery or two or three.
After dabbling in the internet the past 3 years, I only realized recently that there was this thingy called "Blog" and a dumb skull like me could also PUBLISH a blog of my own. Wallah!! This is an important event in my life. Never had I a chance to do new things with such confidence. There is nothing to lose if I got stuck and failed (I shouldn't use that word). No one to criticize me, getting impatient with me, or demoralize me if I get stuck. This is wonderful.
After a few days gropping around with the URL name (say, I can even quote "URL" , I think it has something to do with "urinology"!) and browsing through the "Help" desk, a most challenging thought came to my mind: Why not just write a progress report of this new adventure of mine and post it with every step of progress? This way I can get started while learning the ropes. Killing two birds with one stone!! Very clever of me.
So, let's see whether this maiden post can be posted successfully. ]
[Thursday, March 27, 2008
Out in cyberspace wonderland!!
Hi people of cyberspace. I wonder anyone is reading this. It's like striking a lottery if you stumble on this blog! So go buy yourself a lottery or two or three.
After dabbling in the internet the past 3 years, I only realized recently that there was this thingy called "Blog" and a dumb skull like me could also PUBLISH a blog of my own. Wallah!! This is an important event in my life. Never had I a chance to do new things with such confidence. There is nothing to lose if I got stuck and failed (I shouldn't use that word). No one to criticize me, getting impatient with me, or demoralize me if I get stuck. This is wonderful.
After a few days gropping around with the URL name (say, I can even quote "URL" , I think it has something to do with "urinology"!) and browsing through the "Help" desk, a most challenging thought came to my mind: Why not just write a progress report of this new adventure of mine and post it with every step of progress? This way I can get started while learning the ropes. Killing two birds with one stone!! Very clever of me.
So, let's see whether this maiden post can be posted successfully. ]
You can go and read the original post by Clicking HERE:
I have really come a long way! And along the way, I have also made a few friends. Overall, I have become quite an expert in blogging and everything connected with writing in blogosphere. At the moment, if you care to survey the right column of this blog, you would find that I have two blogs, one website, and two "affiliated" sites, all very active sites which I spend hours each day "maintaining" them. As for attracting "traffic" I think I am still a failure. So to all my handful supporters who tolerated my cynicism and crude language, a BIG Thank You for your moral support.
The special person I want to thank is my Sifu Chew, which I dedicate this post to him. Without Sifu Chew, my life in blogging would have been made more difficult. It is this Sifu Chew who taught me the ABC of blogging. I am forever grateful to him. By the way he has a special name, Sadhu Chew. "Sadhu" is a Pali term meaning "Excellent" which is a favourite word amongst Buddhists. Very aptly chosen too. A very big "Sadhu" to you, Sifu Chew!
Now my "audience" is global! This is the fantastic wonder of the internet. Just by sitting here, I communicate with people all over the world!
Maybe I can make a secret request to all my moral supporters to please make a comment for this post. Then I can tell the whole world that I still have friends reading my blog after these two years. So this is my secret wish. May I blow the candles now?
(By the way, this is my 632nd post.)
Hi Justin,
I am really happy to see you walk until today. Internet is the world. To be able to follow the world, we need to learn to use the Internet. Now you are the Internet Surfer. And you can do better than me. Congratulation and Happy 2YO to you.
Keep on going Justin and well done.
No one here is going to criticize you, it is your blog, you had every rights to express your view and thought, we are not belong to political elites in any way, it is your rights to freedom of expression and speech. This is Malaysian way...
Justin keep it up, at least you are letting many people know about the truth in your country, instead of spinning matters like other blogs hosted by those MCA or Gerakan goons.
Happy Birthday 'Black & White'.
Enjoy doing what you like, you answer to no one even if anyone doesn't like it.
happy second anniversary Justin.May you continue on your wonderful journey thru life blogging and making the world a happier place for all!
To all of you who commented,
I thought it's going to be a very embarrassing "birthday wish" after the 24-hour period expired. I only had 2 comments on 27 March. In fact Chew never read my blog, I know. He came to comment because I emailed him. So I only had PM! Thank you PM.
Since I only have another 3, I can type the names here:
bow, a true Malaysian, and Stephen,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your moral support!
Congratulations Justin!
I was out of town then, no internet access. Hahaha!!!!
Out of town partly because of Cheng Beng.
Excuse accepted!
I feel more important now.
I can understand. People like you need a lot of assurances to keep you going. Hahahahaha!!!!
Here another assurance from me,
Congratulations Justin.
Keep writing & bring out the important awareness. Lots of us are living in a bubble. We are unaware of the manipulation & the secrets that the top people are trying to hide.
We also enjoy reading the human motivational stories that you managed "to dig out". Very touching.
Silence is sometimes good.
As usual, I am always late to comment... :-)
Li Li just commented. That lifted my spirit. I feel I am as great as Tun Mahathir !!!
Li Li,
Don't just keep silence for a long period. Lonely old man like me needs constant encouragement to keep going.
Thanks for breaking your silence.
I shall continue to write, so long as I have visitors.
Actually I have said before; even no one reading my blog, I will still go on ; better than speaking to myself and staring at blank wall!!
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