Just came back from my insurance agent's office. Not the life assurance one, but the general insurance. It's for my car insurance. I drive an 8-year old junk which can pass easily for a red Proton Saga taxi. And I have been buying third-party insurance just to get the road tax each year. Now no company wants to sell you third-party. If you are lucky, you may find one which will sell you, but with a "loaded" PA insurance! You end up still having to pay more. Mine was rejected even with the PA. I wonder whether there is any law that prevents them from this despicable practice. I have no choice but to pay for the comprehensive. So the amount JUMPED from RM 73.79 to RM228.50.
If you are still working then it's OK. You can go rob others to neutralize the effects of "inflation." Rob others? Just kidding. I mean with your salary increment or hiking your prices, you will be a happy person again, come what may. Or if you are a very rich person, then what is RM228.50, not even peanuts, PEANUT SKIN!
The woes of a retired person!
On a happier note perhaps you would like to read this HERE:
wow,sorry to hear about your predicament justin.yes its quite tough when the rate of inflation seems to be running away faster than we can take the money out of the pocket.
The money seems to half its value every few years.you are right about having to have a lot of savings to survive today.I find that even having hawker food can blow a hole in the pocket.Amazing.
Same problem here with me. Luckly I got rid of my old faithful volvo 240 Turbo. Cannot afford to maintain.
For the pensioners with monthly income it is not so bad.
Stephen and PM,
Funny, I missed out on the Penang Govt's "RM100 Ang Pow" for seniour citizen. I missed by 3 months! My 60th birthday is in May.
Maybe Lim Guan Eng should award me RM1000 for my undying support of DAP. Never vote for any party in my whole life. Always DAP!!
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