Today 20 March, is the International Day of Happiness.
Someone asked this question:
Are you happy? What makes you feel good? What makes you happy?
And this was my answer:
Happiness is a state of mind. Many
people mistakenly think that only when they have the things they desire,
then they can be happy. This type of happiness is a very shallow
feeling because they depend on certain desires being met in order to be
happy. Once they got the things, their happiness begins to subside. It
is just like the law of diminishing returns. These things cannot give
us sustained happiness. Then the search for happiness starts again, a
vicious cycle.
I try to maintain a mental state of
happiness, without depending on external conditions. Of course if
external conditions are favorable, it is easier for me to remain happy.
The challenge is to remain happy without seeking external conditions,
without depending on them.
Here is the most important
message about happiness. One's health status is dependent on one's
mental condition. A state of real mental happiness will strengthen
one's immune system, and help one to remain healthy. If one is always
unhappy, one is prone to get sick.
So be happy without condition.