Thursday, December 25, 2014

Contemplation during this day of Christmas

"Be merry", everybody seems to wish everybody else during this day of Christmas. For other days, it is usually "be happy".  Fair enough.  All of us should be happy or at least feel happy.  The feeling of happiness should be for every moment and not only for this day of Christmas.  Sometimes life is not so rosy to be feeling happy.  If certain conditions do not generate happiness, we cannot be happy.  Otherwise we will be crazy to be happy when sad events confront us.  This year (2014) is the worst year for me.  My son was diagnosed with a serious illness.  This year, my son was warded for long periods, 5 times in all, twice in ICU for 9 days each.  I will be a mad father if I can be happy about this!

Then what should I do?  I accept what is dealt to me in this game of what we called "life".  If I cannot be happy because of certain conditions that do not warrant happiness, then let it be.  I am not going to brood over it for the rest of my life.  The least I can do is to resolve not to be unhappy over time.  Acceptance is a therapeutic resolve.  I turn away from feeling unhappy, and instead try to identify whatever positive aspects life still provides me.  I may not feel happy.  That's ok.  Now I concentrate on what I have that I should be thankful for.  These are the six "thankfulness":

1. I am thankful that I am in good health and of sound mind.

2. I am thankful that my son is recovering well.

3. I am thankful that my wife and two grandchuildren are healthy.

4. I am thankful that my grandchildren's parents are healthy, no matter what they had done to me.

5. I am thankful to my relatives who have given me moral, monetary, and spiritual support.

6. I am thankful for all those who have come to embrace my son in his hour of needs, especially the Christian friends and support group.   

What else do I want to be happy?  I just need to be thankful for what life dishes up for me. 

To all my readers, have a Merry Christmas.

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