Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ox, Cow, Bull, Bullshit.

Chinese zodiac

The Year of the Ox 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The Year of the Ox Persons born in the Year of the Ox are diligent, patient and rather remain silent. They are reliable as friends. But they are easy to irritate and tend to be stubborn and obstinate. Best matches are persons born in the Year of the Snake, the Rat or the Cock.

Is it Ox, Cow, Bull, or Bullshit??

From the dictionary:
Ox means the adult castrated male of the genus Bos, used chiefly as a draft animal.

Cow means the mature female of a bovine animal, esp. of the genus Bos.

Bull means the male of a bovine animal, esp. of the genus Bos, with sexual organs intact and capable of reproduction.

Bullshit means nonsense, lies, or exaggeration.

I think I would prefer to call it the Year Of The Bull !

And I wonder why the stool of such a regal animal is viewed with utter suspicion and disgust!

Let us see what the Buddha had to say about the bull. The quotation below is "copy and paste" (without permission..hahaha) from the blog of a revered Buddhist Monk who I regard as one of my esteemed teachers.

[In the Anguttara Nikaya he said, 'When the cows are crossing, if the bull swerves they follow his lead and swerve too. If he who is considered the leader amongst humans does not live correctly neither do others. If the leader is immoral the whole group will be so too. When the cows are crossing, if the bull goes straight they will go straight following his lead. If he who is considered the leader amongst humans has integrity others will have too. The whole group will be happy if their leader is good' (A.II,70-1).]

So take heed, all present and future leaders. Unfortunately this is a "ghost-town" blog. So gone to deaf ears!!

Just the same, if you happened to read this, please take heed; and may you have a healthy and a contented and a happy year ahead!!


Anonymous said...


Kung Hei Fatt Choy ar.

Aren't Chinese Zodiacs predictions are all Bullshits?

I was born in Year of Rooster. Or Chicken to be precise. Then someone said, 'Since you were born in Year of Chicken, no wonder you became a 'chicken' (sex worker)'.

Well, maybe this one is accurate!...:p

Btw, where on earth you could find so much time blogging?


Justin Choo said...


"Btw, where on earth you could find so much time blogging? "

This is my full time "job" without pay!!

Whatever, you have a healthy year ahead.


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