Since yesterday, for the first time in my life, I have no eggs in my house!! I am 58 years old.
I was at the supermarket and the eggs (size C medium) was selling for RM9.65 for a tray of 30s.
To add insult to injury, the "C" grade was very suspicious as they were too small for that grade.
Just a few years ago, the price was less than half of what it is today. RM9.65 is the highest price ever for eggs in this country! I just refused to buy. How nice and effective if most are like me. By the third day, the price of eggs would tumble like the New York Stock Exchange!! Just dreaming!
But for now, no egg york, no half-boiled egg...good for health!!
Have an eggless day!!
I was at the supermarket and the eggs (size C medium) was selling for RM9.65 for a tray of 30s.
To add insult to injury, the "C" grade was very suspicious as they were too small for that grade.
Just a few years ago, the price was less than half of what it is today. RM9.65 is the highest price ever for eggs in this country! I just refused to buy. How nice and effective if most are like me. By the third day, the price of eggs would tumble like the New York Stock Exchange!! Just dreaming!
But for now, no egg york, no half-boiled egg...good for health!!
Have an eggless day!!
You are a health maniac.
I am a lover of life.
I will keep on eating eggs and smoke cigars...as long as I can.
I have seen too many health maniacs died ..or are suffering right now.
I know the good foundation of happy and reasonable long life..is never be lazy...work hard...take care of you5 health...with commonsense....not with master degrees of health knowledge.
One of my very dear Dutch friend for 40 years....died at age 78 ......one week ago in Amsterdam.
He smoked like a chimney and drink like a fish.....and always laugh away...never afraid of death.
I envy him.....died in his sleep.
Forgot to tell you..he was so very fat....a 300lb man..and a polio patient...always having pains in his whole life!
Under that circumstances...is not 78 good life?
You mean one egg costs RM0.32? Aiya, not so bad la.
This is the price list over in KL. Kuih nyonya cost RM 0.60 per piece (not long ago only RM 0.40). And they're all tasteless and SMALLER in size. You know, they put more coloring and less santan and eggs.
A small jar of kaya costs RM 2.90 (not long ago RM 2.50). And it tastes worse.
Teh BOH big packet is RM 0.50 more. So is bleach and detergent.
And my friend, who sells fruits complained about the price raised in pasar borong. She now has to sell her fruits at the same price (or else no one gonna buy), hence she has to earn less.
So Justin ar, why ikat perut so tight wor? Even if you become like the sausages knots ar, the prices also wont go down.
Just buy the eggs and eat la, aiya.
You mean one egg costs RM0.32? Aiya, not so bad la.
This is the price list over in KL. Kuih nyonya cost RM 0.60 per piece (not long ago only RM 0.40). And they're all tasteless and SMALLER in size. You know, they put more coloring and less santan and eggs.
A small jar of kaya costs RM 2.90 (not long ago RM 2.50). And it tastes worse.
Teh BOH big packet is RM 0.50 more. So is bleach and detergent.
And my friend, who sells fruits complained about the price raised in pasar borong. She now has to sell her fruits at the same price (or else no one gonna buy), hence she has to earn less.
So Justin ar, why ikat perut so tight wor? Even if you become like the sausages knots ar, the prices also wont go down.
Just buy the eggs and eat la, aiya.
Oh ya, I'm now reciting the Earth Store Bodhisattva sutra everyday, to achieve the peace of mind, just like meditation mentioned in your other blog.
It may take me about 3 hours to recite one sutra, but whoa, I think I like it ar! That's why I dont have much time for other things.
I supposed this is the price that we need to pay for choosing to live at this so-called 'modern world' that are 'inter-dependence' though the trade that we involved my not deal directly with the other country.
Crude oil price increase or decrease also affect our economy, what the heck, right?
To think of all these things, sometime I admire those primitives, who live in seclusion, getting food supplies from nature, planting own vegetables & fruits, catching fish from stream, raring own livestock and so on.
These primitives must be laughing at us, what the heck, why so many worries.
There is no definite measurement for what 'good life' is consists of. We are having good life or these primitives?
It is difficult to reconcile Buddha's teachings with this so-called 'modern world'. Yet, undeniably, truth lies in Buddha's teachings.
Yes, I agree with all of you. Work hard. Eat all we want and go for a long beautiful vacation in the jungle with the primitives....
Oops.... I don't think that is what you are all saying :-)
Just joking.....
I like the buddhisme teaching. Do everything moderately. Eat delicious food, drink a bit of wine, go for light exercise and enjoy our holidays.
I want to work hard, eat eat eat and relax more.....
Honestly, I am doing the total opposite. Busy, busy , busy. After one report, another report pop out. After one community problems, two more problems pop out. Cannot relax. Sometimes, I forgot my meals. And the only exercise I have, is walking from the parking lot to my car !...... Boring.
That's why I always browse Justin's blog. Interesting topics all the time... Crazy Zimbabwe 500 million dollar note.... Funny isn't it ?
And now, Justin is asking us to smile....
Justin, stop complaining, at least you are not paying 1 million ringgit for an egg like the Zimbabwean, unmoputra will tell you compare to Zimbabwe, Malaysia is like paradise, everyone is allowed to eat egg and practice Qigong n Yoga.
RM9.65 for a tray of 30 golden eggs, it is a great deal, no wonder our country is classified as Asia paradise, and full of gold mines in the eye of foreigner.
I usually buy eggs at RM9.70 per tray, but since last two weeks, it costs RM10.60 per tray, same grade but not sure the same grade as Justin's.
The shopkeeper told me the price will go up to RM11.000 very soon. Maybe we should find cheaper alternative for our protein need.
Justin, for the not so rich, eggs are the best source of nutrition , and relatively speaking, they are still not that expensive compared to other foodstuff which has gone up much much more in terms of percentage.
So people will still buy eggs and eat.
I remeber in my childhood, eating chicken and eggs are almost like luxury. Women just delivered and "sitting the month"- as the colloquil term goes- eats eggs to regain their energy and nutritional status.
Now eggs are so common and no more almost like a luxury item.
Anyway, money has shrunk. That is why the one dollar note now is much small than the one dollar note before, because even the issuing Bank Negara knows that the money is so much smaller now. Maybe next time, they will print a one dollar bill that is the size of a bus ticket...just joking.
BUt the world now is going to face deflation, and prices of things may come down, only thing many people would not even have the cash to buy those things.
MOnster smokes like a chimney, but he smokes cigar so that is not so bad lah.... research has shown that cigars are much safer than cigarette.
NOrmally if i see a friend smoking cigarettes, i will try to advise him not to smoke. BUt monster smoking cigar is 'sort of" ok lah. So let him have the fun of smoking cigars but maybe smoke a bit less lah.
Wawawa ..dear Doc forgot..smoking is bad for health.
But he is right!!
Cigar and pipe smoking...not so bad.
Actually cigar smoking..make you less wanting sex...as cock ..not so easy to stand.
But at my age with the power of mind over matters...who cares to have cock stand up for every Tracie..Dinnie..or Harriet.
But pipe smoking is even better and much much cheaper...than cigarettes smoking.
I just found out...another dear friend....died at age 78.
This Dutchman.......died in Amsterdam...never fail to send me birthday cards and Chinese New Year cards for past 40 years!!
I always response with a letter. I don't know his birthday...except now..being informed of his death....and found out..our birth dates..are just three days apart.
He was a bank manager in K.L.for seven years...and love mixing with one customer only....ME!!
Yes you told us the story about this Dutch banker who almost committed suicide if not for you.
This was a man whom we can respect for he remembered his true friend.
May he rest in peace.
Yes Justin...I lost a very dear friend.
Obviously those who are in control of all these supply and policy are making a "big pile of $$$" every time there is a price hike, unfortunately, consumers are way too powerless to effect price drop in bolehland fearing any peaceful protest will result in ISA-education.
Seeing all these bungalows collapsing like fallen trees, make me wonder how many half-past six engineers are produced from our world class university and college and presently in the professional ranks since we have so many cracking buildings in the country??
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