(Photos from blogger friend Romerz)
It's like ages since my last posting. I was down with flu and needed to rest especially my tired eyes. Despite my weak condition, I attended The DAP Victory Dinner (cum DAP Building Fund) last night (Fri 28 Nov) at the Han Chiang school field, Penang. Our blogger friend Romerz was gracious enough to give me a free ticket with transport thrown in!! Honestly, it was my first time attending a DAP dinner party, although I am unashamedly and proudly a rockhard (diehard?) DAP supporter all my life. All those who know me are aware of my unreserved support of DAP all these years.
I remember during one devastating evening following the announcement of the election results in Penang, Lim Kit Siang lost his Parliamentary seat. I have forgotten which year, but for those who have good memory will attest that. I was at the Esplanade where the results were announced. Of course all the DAP supporters were very disappointed. While I was walking back, I was surprised to see Uncle Lim walking away as well. I will always remember this incident because it was surprisingly quiet along the dimly lit street. I think there was no one else except for me and Uncle Lim in front of me. I felt a chill down my spine. A feeling of great honour to "meet" him in person, and the horror of why he was being ALONE. Where were all his close supporters?? Being by nature a very shy person, I did not approach him to shake his hands , but just let the opportunity slide away. It was one of my greatest regret!!
Now coming back to the DAP dinner last night, it was a world of difference. The centre stage Dragon Dance, Penang's Who Is Who in the business world, and the surprise of the century...Datuk Zaid Ibrahim!!... Yes! Datuk Zaid Ibrahim of UMNO; not a typo error. He not only attended the dinner function, he gave a refreshing speech as well. His main message was that all of us must think as Malaysians first and not our different races. If we can think as Malaysians, we shall progress. With this message, he also told us that since he was now "unemployed" he has been concentrating on his newly set-up Foundation, called "My Future" ("My" for Malaysia) which he would spearhead targeting the young generation to teach them how to resolve problems in a civil and diplomatic manner instead of aggressive retaliation. We wish him all the best.
On the business scenario, well, businessmen are businessmen, just like politicians are politicians. To the politicians there is no such thing as a permanent enemy. To the businessmen there is no such thing as a permanent good political party. Any party that holds sway in the government is a good party. "Yesterday" was Gerakan in Penang, "Today" it's DAP's turn. Every dog has its day! Before March 8, don't ever dream that the Who is Who in the Penang business community can be seen a kilometer near any DAP function. Last night the unthinkable happened! Tan Sri Lim Gaik Tong (of Farlim) sat beside Uncle Lim and together raised arms in "victory"!
When the names of contributors were announced it sent shivers down my spine, maybe my flu was attacking. Names mentioned, like Sunshine (Tun DR Lim Chong Eu is the Chairman), and Hwang DBS (my former employer), struck me.
Well done, Uncle Lim and Saudara Lim Guan Eng!!
By the way what do you think about Datuk Zaid's presence???!!!
Have A Nice Day!!
I remember during one devastating evening following the announcement of the election results in Penang, Lim Kit Siang lost his Parliamentary seat. I have forgotten which year, but for those who have good memory will attest that. I was at the Esplanade where the results were announced. Of course all the DAP supporters were very disappointed. While I was walking back, I was surprised to see Uncle Lim walking away as well. I will always remember this incident because it was surprisingly quiet along the dimly lit street. I think there was no one else except for me and Uncle Lim in front of me. I felt a chill down my spine. A feeling of great honour to "meet" him in person, and the horror of why he was being ALONE. Where were all his close supporters?? Being by nature a very shy person, I did not approach him to shake his hands , but just let the opportunity slide away. It was one of my greatest regret!!
Now coming back to the DAP dinner last night, it was a world of difference. The centre stage Dragon Dance, Penang's Who Is Who in the business world, and the surprise of the century...Datuk Zaid Ibrahim!!... Yes! Datuk Zaid Ibrahim of UMNO; not a typo error. He not only attended the dinner function, he gave a refreshing speech as well. His main message was that all of us must think as Malaysians first and not our different races. If we can think as Malaysians, we shall progress. With this message, he also told us that since he was now "unemployed" he has been concentrating on his newly set-up Foundation, called "My Future" ("My" for Malaysia) which he would spearhead targeting the young generation to teach them how to resolve problems in a civil and diplomatic manner instead of aggressive retaliation. We wish him all the best.
On the business scenario, well, businessmen are businessmen, just like politicians are politicians. To the politicians there is no such thing as a permanent enemy. To the businessmen there is no such thing as a permanent good political party. Any party that holds sway in the government is a good party. "Yesterday" was Gerakan in Penang, "Today" it's DAP's turn. Every dog has its day! Before March 8, don't ever dream that the Who is Who in the Penang business community can be seen a kilometer near any DAP function. Last night the unthinkable happened! Tan Sri Lim Gaik Tong (of Farlim) sat beside Uncle Lim and together raised arms in "victory"!
When the names of contributors were announced it sent shivers down my spine, maybe my flu was attacking. Names mentioned, like Sunshine (Tun DR Lim Chong Eu is the Chairman), and Hwang DBS (my former employer), struck me.
Well done, Uncle Lim and Saudara Lim Guan Eng!!
By the way what do you think about Datuk Zaid's presence???!!!
Have A Nice Day!!
Lets not speculate the unthinkable now.
You did not say..what food were offered..nice not so nice....or excellent. I think it may be not so nice.......correct?
Have attendants need to pay or got complementary ticket?
Your flu...OK now?
It was a typical course dinner (8-course, I think). Over 1000 tables, so don't expect too much. I just sympathized with all the attendants (mainly Malays and imports).
It was a fund raising function. Of course you got to pay. There were the VVIP and the VIP tables. Then surrounded by the "also attended" tables. Lim Guan Eng was gracious enough to make effort to shake hands with the surrounding "also attended" supporters. With this gesture, he stood above the rest in humility and public relations!!
Oh yes, my flu, coming to an end I hope. Forced myself to post this article. Got to rest now. Very tired and painful body.
Thanks for asking.
After 8 months of victory, i don't understand why the dinner was themed MALAM KEMENANGAN RAKYAT ? If it was Malam Kemenangan Rakyat, I wonder how the poor could have afford such a luxurious event at RM30 per head exclusive of transportation cost and more.
Ah...Dalbinder Singh Gill...so nice to hear from you.
Which party have you sign up now?
To answer your confusion...the theme..created 8 months ago..was correct..but the dinner was 8 months too late...because DAP was very busy for the past 8 months.
So..better late than never....to thank voters.
I would prefer Justin to answer you....as he attended the party....but his after effect on his flu...makes him tired and sleepy. So let him rest.
It is not that we do not think as Malaysian first,it is the BN's racist policy that classify us all as different race and social class(bumi,non-bumi) instead of Malaysian. How can the younger generation can think rationally if the BN government is so racist and continue racist indoctrination in school and workplace and insist on "Ketuanan" nonsense? All the talks but action shows otherwise is not going to make the cut. Not all Malaysians having "peas" brains.
Dear Justin,
Pictures emailed to you. Sorry for the poor quality. (I shrank them so that my gmail wouldn't hang in order to send them to you)
Dalbinder, hmmmmmmm, words fail me how to address a young but confused mind, still can't see the forest for the trees.
actually, politicians should not be too partisan.Look at US. Republicans work for democrat presidents, and democrats work for republican presidents.
We should rise above party. The whip thing is a product of UK, and that has resulted in so much partisanship. Members of this party cannot mix with that party and vice versa, like little children.
We are all adults and should not be restricted by parties.
Support anything good for the people, and that is most important.
Politicians (I am not even though I am a member of a party) need to discard this partisan attitude,in order for them to discard the race card.
I was in Penang the last weekend. The traffice was killing. I averaged about 20 km/hour only.. The federal government should go ahead with a monorail project, otherwise, give funds for a free looping bus service to alleviate the sufferings of the travelling public.
last but not least, wish you a speedy recovery... take chicken soup and hot baths...
Dr Hsu,
I am recovering. Still spending the last 2 hours just to clear reading the emails!!
By the way, Dr, please read the email I sent you a few days ago about Flickr photos.
hi..Justin..one day 100 patients at average RM30 per patient....means RM3k per day intake.
21 working days...mean...RM63k per month.
Minus cheap medicine..around RM10K..rent and staffs.RM20K..his nett income per month is around..RM33K..or RM 600,000 per year!!
Play piano most of the leisure hours....spent RM10K per month....or RM120k house keeping per year......means he can easily save RM 400,000 per year.
Take just 15 years...Doc is filthy rich!!
Shall we hentam him...for being kutukut and visit his clinic ...one day?
Zaid Ibrahim joining DAP soon? Malaysian Malaysia suit him.
Lim Kit Siang is the most respected politician, as far as I am concerned. It is good that you attended the dinner, though not in top form.
True Malaysian,
Dr Hsu's maiden press release as Head of education bureau made no-nonsense reading. But when UMNO warlords shout at KTK , maybe KTK will say that's not Gerakan's view.
Just imagine, what DAP or PKR will become if Dr Hsu chooses to contribute there rather than Gerakan. What a waste.
Now the carousel starts again in Dr's latest press release. We all know the root causes of the problem. We all also know the solution. But each time we just take a ride on the carousel, going round and round in circles.
Latest news, Umno sacks Zaid.
Show started. Lets enjoy.
true Malaysian,
Yes, they know Zaid is a "liability" to them now. So "cut loss". But the loss will be 1000 fold greater for them!
They tried to play quiet. The Star only on page 4. Don't know about the others. TV news? I didn't hear anything last night (Tues).
To be frank, I have high hope on DAP to emerge as the ultimate 'true multiracial party' as it started of with the right footing of :-
a) multiracial
b) meritocracy
c) no religion connotation
d) Malaysian Malaysia concept, and
e) democracy
That is also the reason why I think people like Zaid Ibrahim should join DAP.
Perhaps, if Dr. Hsu is not a Penangite, he may be in DAP now, and not Gerakan.
I hope Dr. Hsu could convince Umno to change while he is still with BN, but I know, this is near impossible.
By the way, hope u recovered fully from your flu.
Justin, DAP is a good party.
Any party that voices out for people is a good party.
I have voted for DAP many times.
gerakan has a similar ideology to DAP. The fair and equal society is similar to Malaysian's Malaysia.
So since I have opted to join for reasons that I have mentioned before, I should ot jump ship but instead try my best to get Gerakan back to its ideology.
Since I am not a politician, it does not really matter whether i am in Gerakan or DAP, as long as I follow the ideology of a fiar and equal society.
This weekend , I have arranged, thanks to Romerz, a leader from the third force from UK, the Liberal democrats, to have a meeting with some of the top leaders of Gerakan. To hear from him that there is life as a third force even in a Westminster type of Democracy.
Justin, DAP is a good party.
Any party that voices out for people is a good party.
I have voted for DAP many times.
gerakan has a similar ideology to DAP. The fair and equal society is similar to Malaysian's Malaysia.
So since I have opted to join for reasons that I have mentioned before, I should ot jump ship but instead try my best to get Gerakan back to its ideology.
Since I am not a politician, it does not really matter whether i am in Gerakan or DAP, as long as I follow the ideology of a fiar and equal society.
This weekend , I have arranged, thanks to Romerz, a leader from the third force from UK, the Liberal democrats, to have a meeting with some of the top leaders of Gerakan. To hear from him that there is life as a third force even in a Westminster type of Democracy.
True Malaysian,
Thanks for your concern; I am almost back to my "old" self. Another good news pepped me up. Just received letter from the Developer of the property which I bought to go collect keys; after a delay of more than one year!!
Dr Hsu,
I accept your decision to stay in Gerakan; but I cannot understand your logic. If you had a pet dog very dear to you which died. You simply had to bury it and let go. Find another doggie/puppy and start all over again.
Hey, Doc, you still have not read the email I send you about Flickr!!
how come my comment always came out twice? I thought I clicked only once.
Sorry to take up your space.
Justin, I cannot find the email. Maybe it has been placed in spams. I will try to locate it among the spams. The seurity sometimes is too tight for comfort.
Justin, I managed to find your email in the spams. I have also despam 2 others sent on 1st December.
The picture on Bora Bora was not taken by me but was sent to me by my daughter.
all other pictures on NZ and roses were taken by me,
Not so well taken lah.
Not a professional, and never good in photography.
i mean those photos on exotic beaches , including bora bora, which I believe is in Tahiti.
I cannot give you permission since I do not know why it comes from. I will ask my daughter.
But I see no harm using that as a header, as beautiful photos should be shared.
Thanks Dr Hsu.
Please ignore the email I just forwarded. Same thing.
You must be very free today!!
All being cured by you.
By the way, I don't believe you doctors never get sick; or are doctors just good actors, in front of paying patients!?
With exception of recent report that hospital docs got mental problems!!
thanks for the powerpoint on Lord Buddha.
As for the bank account pps, i have seen it some time back.
If everyone follows the teachings the world will be so peaceful that there is really no need to have governments.
doctors get sick.
doctors also die.
Maybe because of the constant exposure of getting in viruses from the patients, we may have better immune system.
My master, Rev. Chin Kung, told me that there is no need for doctors. Sickness and death is pre-destined. If you are supposed to recover, you recover.
Maybe there is logic in there too. We have seen patients with terminal illness recover, and health people suddenly die of sudden death.
That is why there is a saying: "To cure some times, to relieve often, to comfort always". That is the saying of my profesor, and I can still remember until now.
We must always comfort our patients ,even if we know they are beyond treatment of modern day medicine. And we must always relieve the sufferings of the patientand his family. That I always try to practice.
Dr. Hsu,
You knowledge in medic and Buddhism is in fact a good combination for your profession. This combination is definitely make you a very good doctor.
Also, I learned new thing from you, joining a political party does not make one as a 'politician'. So far, my understanding is if one decided to join politic, he or she is a politician.
Your case is a new definition to me, haha.
Congratulation for getting keys to your new property. I definitely would like to 'tumpang' you if I landed myself in Penang.
Haha, can I?
True Malaysian,
If doc's logic is correct, then we can be members of the medical association without having to be doctors!!
You can be Dr True Malaysian and I can become Dr Justin Choo. We will also get Monster to be Dr Monster! (I think he must have fallen asleep while smoking his cigar!! Didn't hear from him for some time.)
We can open our clinic and said that we are members of the Medical Association, but not real doctors. I think I will be able to cure most patients, give panadol, antibiotics, anti histamine, etc. For more serious cases, we can direct them to see Dr Hsu.
True Malaysian,
Sorry got carried away with the business proposal.
Of course, you and all the other "members" are welcome to my abode. I really mean it and will be fun with like minded people. I should have at least one spare room, now that my mother is not here anymore.
It's a little cosy bungalow on a very small piece of land on the mainland called Bukit Minyak, near Auto City. You see mainland property still affordable. With that money, I can't even get a decent terrace house on the island.
When I moved in, I shall post here with the photos.
I had real mental torture over this purchase. Hopefully it's over. Wait until I got the OC (CF) then I will breathe easy.
I believe all of us come to this world with purpose, that include me, you and Dr. Hsu. I also believe the purpose of our existence today is very much related to what our past life did, where certain things was remained 'uncomplished' and continue in the current life.
So, just live our current life to the fullest.
Dr Hsu,
Yes, Rev.Chin Kung:
where is monster, Justin? Hope he is alright.His sprain from gardening should have recovered, if he used my advice to take hot water bath and panadols.
I recovered from mind over matters!!
Looks like Doc love to call me a monster.
And a monster does not need panadol.
He simply eat up Doc...with one glub...all OK!!
That is easier said than done...as this Doc..is such a huge guy...protected by all the good forces...destined to live naturally.
His English....very lousy.
My nick is indicating I am a brave man..but..cutting away the 'ball'.....he calls me a monster.
What can you do?
It's freedom of speech and rights applied.
I accept my monstrous fate.
Poor Ibrahim, even United Monkey National Organization expel him with no appeal. Didn't he know that it is unacceptable to behave and think like a human being in that party????
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