23:42 PM EDT - 2008.09.14
Hey did you notice the price of crude oil at USD 99.69 as at 11.45 AM?!
Take a look at the oil price graph on the right sidebar on this page for the latest price.
What's next? Tomorrow is 916, the priceless golden gem! This political 916 is worth more than the 916 gold.
Good tidings on the way?!
Yet..PM does not act fast and reduce oil prices to the public.
I guess he needs Petronas to earn hundreds of billions more..then take them off...to do this and that...making sure UMNO is fattened again powerful.. with stolen money...to star their nonsense.
They are so engross with the fact..."Money is Power"...shown by Mahathir...how to steal and cheat.These UMNO guys...will continue to follow that pattern.
It is time to feed themselves and cronies..as they spend..easy come easy go.......now very little left......so must start huge projects..or to activate projects costings billions...to fill their multi millionaire needs and status...with idiotic titles bestowed by themselves...for themselves. They know no shame.
Justin!! I went to the post on "Chicken" ...and clicked to my nick...and saw my face!!
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