(Picture from the Sun)
What is going on there? A change in the Penang State Government has not changed anything?
[Public Works, Utilities and Transport Committee chairman Lim Hock Seng said the funicular train service had to be stopped since June due to cable damage and it has not been repaired.
"It would cost us about RM1.5 million to repair and replace the cables. It is not viable to do repair works because the federal government has already approved a RM40 million upgrading project for the funicular train service system,” he said.
This means, the ball is now in the federal government's court to get the project going so that the service could be resumed as soon as possible.However, apart from announcing approval of the upgrading project, nothing has been done.]
Is this telling us that the Penang State Government does not have RM1.5 million to get the replacement going? Just imagine having to forgo the tourist revenue had the cable cars were in operation! Surely Lim Guan Eng has some business sense and some pride in governing Penang!
Politicians! Politicians! Politicians!
Don't blame it on Eng Guan.
Now it is known...UMNO government should stop playing politics..and finance it...for people.
But I guess...UMNO prefer to spend RM40 million...all planned....which UMNO man will make few millions...than to spend RM1.5 million....no coffee money.
If Eng Guan approve the RM40 million project......UMNO will quickly finance it.
Just look at all the multi RM billion projects..and yet.....some vilLages still have no proper electricity and water system.
Have they no shame?
I hate politics....but I am a self appointed Freedom Fighter....and UMNO/BN are shit parties...need to talk till I drop dead..to expose them...as advised by Dr.Hsu.
Each time I open to this post..and see the long rail..reminds me of that famous war movie....'The Bridge On The River Kwai"
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