The last few days I have been reluctant to publish an interesting post. So I purposely delayed it by coming out with the "4 Teaser Previews" . I don't want this article to be overshadowed by the impending "Mother" of all tsunamis. In fact when it comes, this article of mine will be drowned under the ferocious under-current!! No chance of survival!
The last few days have been very subdued in the political fronts. At least outwardly. Only those in the secret "planning and operating" room knows exactly what is happening and what is going to happen. Anwar is well above all sooth sayers. He "alone" knows the route to the battle field, while the rest of us, foot soldiers just wait in suspense!
As with all terrible disasters, they strike when least expected, and with a terrible vengence. Let us take cover for the time being.
The latest terrible news as at 11am today from Anil's blog:

"So Home Affairs Minister Syed Hamid has signed a two-year detention order against Raja Petra, reports Malaysiakini - which mean RPK goes to Kamunting today. The detention order was signed yesterday, ahead of RPK’s habeas corpus application.
I guess they don’t want to find out what Raja Petra has to say in court.
Let’s see what the court has to say during Raja Petra’s habeas corpus application today."
We must salute RPK, and do our little parts in whatever way we can to free RPK fast and to hasten a Regime Change.
A commentator in Anil's blog, "Sam" has a very sensible suggestion which all of us can do immediately:
"But we will continue the struggle to free RPK. Meanwhile, lets flood Kamunting with Hari Raya greeting cards addressed to RPK. Lets tell him to keep the hope and that we have not given up. Here is the address:
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,Taiping.
Perak, Malaysia
I am mailing my card today. "
I have already sent a card to him. Send any postcard.
With these ISA events all happening in the holy month of Ramadan, these speak how ‘holy’ these people are.
I remember they claimed that they were ‘true’ Muslims.
Maybe they aren’t now.
‘God’ cannot be so unfair to ‘prisoners of conscience’, let see what will happen next. If I am one of the policeman involved in this arrest, I rather resign than getting my hands tainted.
A True Malaysian,
It is not easy not to follow orders esp when one is in security. Also one has to consider how importanat one is in this whole scenario. For a mere constable, he is just an ant. He has also got to consider the welfare of his family.
That is why it takes a great individual like RPK to stand against the forces.
We must salute RPK, and do our little parts in whatever way we can to free RPK fast and to hasten a Regime Change.
Justin...RPK have expected the worst.
That's good...as he should be well prepared.
This unique brave Malaysian hero is respected and worshiped by majority Malaysians....good...bad and sitting on the fence...hypocrites..all sincerely admire his guts.
I can say...I am brave.......but he is 10 times braver than me.
Can he be 10 times more a Malaysia than me?
Your messages at Doc's blog...is getting more and more forceful and forthright.
Such a wise man ...you are.
Little by little..you are getting out from your shell and leave Buddhism out..and speak...to teach young Malaysians......the other side of mid-night.
Now back to your message.
Simple....do as much harm as they can...to get Malaysians fed up and take to the streets...for reasons to declare Emergency Rule.
But I do have a strange feeling.....all ISA detainees will be freed ...very soon.
The last goodwill act...by Dollah..before he goes off...coming.. year end...or by new government???
Justice will prevail in due course!
WHUAHAHA! I've NEVER heard of anyone baptized naked! Where on the planet you learn that from?
Well, if there's such a baptism, I'd want to try again!...HAHA.
And whut? I thought after seeing my bad teeth you'd still call me 'leng lui'!
Aiyo...! This political piece of yours is hard to for a feotus like me to digest la. See I can never understnd politics.
Just send a card to RPK NOW.
And on the Brahmas (from your other blog). I've read that the multitudes of Christians all over the world, who preaching the deluded teaching are actually the beings from the 3 Brahma Heavens, now rebirth into human realm. Is this true ar?
Many controversies on the Brahmaja Sutta, the sutta that explain about God Almighty. So in your opinion, is God Almighty the deluded Brahma King ar? Check: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/dob/dob-01tx.htm
Just read on your links and about Raja Petra. No la, I dont really like Raja Petra. I think he's making our situation even worse la.
Hmmm.. I still daydream about Mahathir's time in the 90s. A lot of money exchanged under the table, but at same time, the economy grew fast, development zoomed, and the society harmony.
Now everything dwindling fast la, dont you think so?
Please go to my other blog if you wish to discuss "religion" and anything "spiritual".
Please explain to Gracie the real political situation. But please use gentle language.
Gracie....Yes there are Christians baptised fully naked!!
But the Church found out...not good idea...as Pastor of that day...prick stood up...like hot rod!!
That was around 100 years ago...I think!!
But if you wish to revive this wonderful rituals .being baptised naked..and shame the devil...or hypocritical pastor......you will be a Saint...sooner or later.
And on Justin's request to explain RPK...to you.....
All I can say...after reading your message....you need to get your head examine and your eyes checked.I am saying this... with loving kindness....monsterball style!
And .."MAY I"...explain why.
Even you say..."YOU MAY NOT"...who cares..here goes.....
RPK is the one and only political blogger that exposed so much for Malaysians to learn and understand..our present low class government.
He is the most influencial blogger in Malaysia.
What you say...are simply not true..about him..but you are forgiven....if your line of work leads you .where the sun don't shine in.
light a candle for him....pray for him...and maybe you will see the more truths.
I admire your straight forwardness.
Only an idiot like Justin...cannot see how much you care for him.
And on your admiration for Mahathir..I can understand why you admire him.giving so much of our money to so many of your customers...in the past...real generous fellas with stolen money.
Glad..some fell into your lap....your dress....maybe no dress...just G-strings...and few other places.
But remember always....every sen you got..are stolen from us.
Will you now...have fond memories for Mahathir?
And if you have any proof..he was your customer...or is one to your sisters in same trade.. you can get at least RM10 Million reward.
This is not he first time....when Gracie speaks to Justin...he will call for me...to explain this or that.
He respects Gracie so much...asking me to be gentle to her.
I guess...when ever Gracie speaks to Justin....he is lost for words.
Brain go blank...and mouth..filled with lustful water. ...brother "john"......hhhhhmmmm..only he and God knows!!
These are signs of true love!!
Gracie...Don't give up!!
I read in a Doc's blog...same subject...and commentators more than yours.
But Gracie and me are real smart....hahahahahaha
So yo have quality...and not quantity......hahahahahahaha
I tell you Justin....ONLY your blog...have the one and only Gracie...who love Rose Chan so much!!
And you know...who to thank..inspiring you to write about her.
You blog is full or originals and varieties.
Hope "True Malaysian" writer...will guide visitors into your blog....like he did for Doc.
I still think he is 10% true malaysian.. and 90% Chinese.
Birds of the same feathers....always flock together...right Justin?
So your birdie...Gracie .flew in..at last found a blog...she can relate herself to....like looking for the right one.
Gracie...keep asking Justin questions!!
He is real smart...behave dum dum.
Suddenly..an operatic song came into my mind...starting by singing...."Do I love you? Do I looovvvve you? Do I?....then blare out all his doubts!!
Do you know this song.....Justin?
It is interesting Dr.Shu posted out..."Prisoner of Conscience"...on RPK....yet he has no guilty conscience to make me.. a scapegoat!!!
I guess....it is based on likes and dislikes..without thinking twice.
He dare not answer my 10 questions...but put out long long lists of long ago stories..by 3 or 4 hating me...to support his dislikes on me..ignoring much much more...love talking to me..including himself!
At last!...one can see the other side of Doc's character.
That's why...I hate to mix with any one supporting any political party .....as a member..especially from MCA and Gerakan.
Why torture yourself with unwholesome thoughts?
Please concentrate on the topic, and all your hurt feelings will gradually diminish.
hello monsterball! All ISA detainees are free? no kidding. You must be living under PR government states now. ha haha.... It is still a long way from that.
You are banned in doc blog, is that right? monsterball.
Justin,you are a truly wise man.Asking Monsterball to do the dirty job of using 'gentle words'to wack the senses in apanama fan Gracie!!!Some malaysians are still dreaming of apanama granny old goat time of 'good' economy!!!with my limited knowledge of how the economy works,I try to explain what atcually happened .....in layman terms.1)During the old goat's reign,mega gigantic projects were launched when the economy slowed down to peck it up!!2)according to his views the financial effects of this projects will spin off many many times to the benefits of the people!!Yes thats correct!!3)What he did not tell you is that He is Mr Ten percent also.Before the locations of these projects was known to the public,Someone will amno connections will eat up all the lands secretly!!!You don't need the minds of rocket scientists to guess who are they!!!These projects are delivered not to open tenders but on who you know who basis.It is not a secret that the costs of these projects are many times magnified compare to their atcual costs.In BOLEHLAND ,you are not punished for missing your project deadline,rather you can claim for more!!!You are not punished for a shoddy job!!!You can claim to repair costs!!!!that how the system works in BOLEHLAND but not the norm in other countries!!!Only Bolehland practice this illogic rules4)When our country had no money,apanama will knock on Petronas petrol money .Petronas report to no one except the pm!!THats easy.When not enough, borrow lah!!Government bonds are issued.That why our country was a poor cousin to our neighbour down south even we had the natural resources.Now the second part,,,Mr flip flop take over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he had to build his legacy.unfortunately when hw take over ,he found that he cannot carry on mega projects anymore before we pay back the debts incurred during apanama time.1)He stopped nearly every mega legacy heritaged from the old goat.2)To refresh your memory ,the cancellation of the causeway project to Singapore was the STRAW that broke the old goat's back!!!Why!!Just check the recent landowners around the area!!!!You will get the answers.3)With no new projects,there will be no spinoff,with no spinoff the local economy will grind down to a stop!!!When the grinder slow down and stop,it is very HARD to push it up again.4)Even though the gov under flip flop had no money for developments,foreign investors had the money!!But the problem is we LOSE out to our neighbours in terms of attracting FDI!!!!!5)Our regulations are very rigid and the PROCESS is very SLOW for the obvious reasons!!!Our neighbours allowed 100% foreign investor entity whereas here THe foreign investors cannot even had 51%!!!One ridicilous case is that ok we let you take up 51% BUT you cannot change my present managements and policies,,,,,,,and also I am still the ceo,,,,,,,,ok?????? 6)Mr flip flop ask us to jimat, don't spend money!!how the business circles earn money if everybody listens to him!!When businees is no good,the employees will be retrenched .Then who suffers?7)I pity our flip flop,he had the wrong advisors with him ,whoever they are ,they are not up to mark. making the wrong moves.What I meant was his economy and political advisors.Yes ,he may not have the intellect ,he can still rely on his advisors BUT they let him down.Maybe all the better fellows are being driven out during the apanama's 22 years of tyrant rules to our neighbour when they took the juiciest plums when the best brains in the country are denied the courses they applied n the local universities.8)If other words ,he was SLEEPING on the job.9)we need CHANGES of leadership,new ideas and changes of the way of doing things previously done!!!Only then Gracie,our local retail economy will pick up.Believe me.
To all Malaysians who care,let us all be united in the FORCE to free RPK.This support will gather and snowball into a gigantic fury of tsunami to knock down the EVIL regime!!!Believe in ourself and to the FORCE of goodness that will overcome the evils.
Ah Mad challenge Gerakan to get out of BN, tear the leader photo apart, know what? Gerakan leader acts like nothing happen...LOL...keep telling his members not to get too emotion of asking him to pull the party out of BN.
He is such a whimsy!!!
Dear Justin,
Thanks for carrying my message on sending a raya card to RPK in Kamunting. Some friends have told me that maybe I got the postcode wrong, that it should be:
34600 Kamunting; not 34009.
My apologies.
Anonymous (8.52am),
Thanks for the info.
By the way someone corrected me:
Not Y. B. but Y. M.
Anonymous (8.52am),
Been informed again by another blogger original address correct. Confirmed with the Prison authority:
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,Taiping.
Perak, Malaysia
That was a very looong comment. I wonder whether Gracie will read all.
I already posted 3 Hari Raya cards to the address you gave. Different signatures & handwritings. Already wrote as Y.B.
Anyway, I think the cards should reach even though wrong code.
Yes, we are protesting in silence. Keep the Hari Raya cards flowing. I am going to ask all my friends to send one each.
Li Li
"For a Better Malaysia in the Future"
Good on you. I bought a pack of 5 cards. Sent them all. My wife also sent.
(Please read my email to you)
Bow.......I am not banned by Dr.Shu.
Go read it....he sad that himself!
He merely use polite... excellent English to ...."May HE" ask me to leave the blog.......hahahahahaha
I can reply...."you may not"...but that will make me look like .. a bloody fool.
Justin...I don't hate Doc at all!
I just want to put out my thoughts...as they come in......and my best is...I actually never like MCA or Gerakan....PERIOD!!
Justin,I bought a pack(10) and sent it today.Hope it reached RPK before Hari Raya!!Marina Lee,Hold on and take care.tell RPK all normal minded malaysians are behind YOU.From yesterday night,I continue to light candles on 8.30pm until your husband walk out fgrom that horrible place.
Gracie,if you read my post,please write your comments.Thank You.Ok?
My candle is lighted on top right of the page.
Take a look.
Justin,yes,I saw it.(only after being reminded by you)You are a remarkable man!!After learning how to blog a few months ago,,,,,,,,,,you can do almost everything about blogging!!!I kowtow to you lah!!!!That reminds me of an old chinese proverb,,,,,,,,,,,,,Learning do not depends when you start but the person who reach the peak will be the master!!!!Please accept my apology for lousy direct translation of this proverb!!
I understand its RPK’s birthday this Saturday. I`m already sending him a raya card everyday. Today I sent him a birthday card. I appeal to others as well to send him a birthday card and express our support, our solidarity and our strength for and with him. Until he is free I will not be…none of us will be…
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
I have an IT Sifu to teach me. Without his help I would not have reached this stage.
Did you notice the new header on top of the page, with the "sunrise picture"? That was also done by him to correctly fit into the header rectangle. In fact I'm trying to change to a more interesting picture, but still got stuck.
This Sifu has many blogs. One of them is this:
He is also my Dhamma friend, meaning Buddhist friend.
Justin,I have just visited your IT sifu's blog.I learned something there.very useful.I am so engrossed that I have forgotten to come back to you here!!!But one thing ,,who is he???there is no profile,,,,,,,,,I like the health posts by the doctors,,,,,,,,,,,,,especially the goreng pisang and the cell phone one.Thanks a lot for refering this blog to me!!!Justin,atcually I DID visit your other blog too,,,,,,only that I did not leave any comments there.I am a Buddhist too.You really did very well in your answers to the question.Well done.
I have forwarded your comment to Sifu, and ask him to put a comment here. Hope he does.
feel shame to be called "sifu"... because i am not that good actually....
but I feel happy to share whatever knowledge that I know.... (although it is only a little)
You are supposed to give us the links to all your blogs.
Hahaha.Justin,from his comments I know he is a good BUDDHIST like you!!!!Humble and down to earth.This is real qualities of a sifu.Real master would not show off!!!!!
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