Mr Oh Teik Bin is one of my blogger friends. His specialty is in graphics. His mission is disseminating universal moral messages in different beautiful and interesting ways.
Today he got a very special message in comic form, very timely during this period of political uncertainties.
Truths sting! Lies stink!!
Please visit his interesting blog by clicking HERE.
ooph.Can come in now!!
What else?
Malaysia Bodoh.com rules
hi Justin!
Go to 'BlackinKorea" or Amin Iskander blog..click to his Bahasa and see the agent provocateur ...monsterball in action!!
I only got 5 minutes more..from the police.. for the group.
I asked for 10...the gave 5.
I should have asked for 20...maybe the will give 10!
Wise man getting wiser..as live moves on.
Teresa Kok is released!
HAHA! What a comic! When I saw the materialictic girl, I thought of how I used to be.
Heya, can write more about the released Teresa Kok?
Justin,sorry for comments not connected to your article.TERESA KOK was freed today.Thanks for the prayers to BUDDHA and to whom anybody believed as the master of the universe,She gained her freedom TODAY.My candles lighting nights were not in vain.This gusto and innocent lady will sue ,sue and sue.Our Flip flop had make another bad move!!!!Miss Tan and Teresa should not be arrested in the FIRST place!!!Yes,I sent a plea to DPM to help release her!Sorry,JUstin,atcually I did not attack DPM in my comments as you advised,because I do not want to make him mengamuk after reading my comments.This will backfire to the process of freeing Teresa,I prefer dpm to be touched by my words that he believe releasing her is the best option.This is my principle in dealing with conflicts:I use the soft approach rather than the hard head approach.I find this more effective to move and make someone to listen to me!!!Maybe some guy may deem this a cowardice but I have my own views.Looking back,our flip flop surely have not READ SUN TZU'S the art of war.He make mistake after mistakes,a very bad chess player!!!!you may ask,why not concerned with RPK?well RPK is a MAN and he is atcually prepared for ISA if you look at hie actions.The longerr they hold RPK,the more pressure will be on bn now.I am praying the the freedom of not only rpk but everyone that was held under ISA.Like Zaid said,charge them if they commit any wrongdoing!!!
You are 100% correct in your approach. I let my emotion conquer me. I was wrong giving you unwise advice. I am sorry.
Thanks for teaching me a good lesson.
Justin,minta maaf,I am not teaching you.Moreover you are older,wiser than me.I just write my views from what I thinkat the moments.If I am wrong,please correct me,thank you.I learned a lot from your zen style of posting!!It make me calmer and hopefully humbly wiser and a happier human being.
His ZEN messages makes me sleep well with sweet dreams........hahahahhahaha
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