As at time of writing 9.30 am, KLCI Index is at 984.17 down 18.82, dropped below its psychological low of 1000.
When is the right time to enter? We have panic sell, but do we have panic buy situation? Certainly not during this politically turbulent period, and definitely not today!! So when can we dash head on?
I was a remisier for close to 10 years. Retired a few years ago, for many reasons, chief of all was the fear of clients' contra losses not paid. Better retire than go bankrupt!!
Maybank at 6.70
Genting at 4.74
Sime at 5.90
Resort at 2.52
Well, what are you waiting for??!!
Is it going to go down some more or not? Looks like a good time, hor?
Yes....Avatar is right.Wait till 700....then buy.
Do you recall...under Mahathir..shares were down to slightly more than 300 points?
At that period...maybe half the counters.
So double it...700 is best.
Buy blue chips. Don't speculate...unless you can be a stayer. Speculation is gambling.
Do you have the extra money ti do it?My friend took out RM1 mil...made 10 mill..then lost all...plus capital...being greedy and too smart...in 5 years.
Dear MonsterBall,
Your friend must be following Gekko's motto:
"Greed is, for lack of a better word, good"
Thanks for the opinion. These are troubling times, but where there are troubles, there's also opportunity.
Dear Avatar...Greed is sometimes...good.
That's why we need religions to tell us ...why so....hahahahahaha
All the heavenly Fathers and Mothers..also cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again.....hahahahahaha
I feel like a Humpty Dumpty sometimes....hahahahaha
Dear MonsterBall,
Greed is no good since it begets attachment.
We all feel broken at times. At times like these, I just pick up the pieces and move on...
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