(Picture courtesy of Bodohland)
During this festive season let us not forget those incarcerated in Kamunting, especially Y.M. Raja Petra. Uncle Zorro posted a very succinct write-up by playwright/journalist Kee Thuan Chye on the "candlelight vigil that turned into a march at Dataran Merdeka last night" (Sunday). You can read it HERE.
Tomorrow is Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Here is wishing all our Muslim friends "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri".
Tomorrow will be a fitting day to publish my article "pre-featured" in the previous 4 "Teaser Previews". To go to the Teasers just click Teaser #1, Teaser #2, Teaser #3 and Teaser #4.
Please stay tuned.
Tomorrow is Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Here is wishing all our Muslim friends "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri".
Tomorrow will be a fitting day to publish my article "pre-featured" in the previous 4 "Teaser Previews". To go to the Teasers just click Teaser #1, Teaser #2, Teaser #3 and Teaser #4.
Please stay tuned.
Justin,I had been in and out of your blog for about 30 minutes.I noticed that there is still NO comments.ok I be your 1st one.Kee Chuan Thye is one of my favourite journalist writer,and a controversial one also.He amaze me as one who had very CLOSE connections with the rich and well connected high level societies in our country.His narrations and first hand account of his experiences are being documented in a way that I can only described A PICASSO in writing!!
Justin,you may wonder WHY I do not respond when being hurted by the sword in writing.This is because I am not HURT at all!!I am a staunt Buddhist and only be objectable when Religions are being ridiculed.I hold the principle that I should agree that other human being has the right to DISAGREE but within tolerable limits.Yes yes,,,I am talking to myself ,,,,,,,and as my golden rule,,,,,,,,,I would not retaliate to any rude demeanor.I can debate with anyone until the cock crows with ONE condition,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,agree to disagree with mutual RESPECT and DIGNITY.
Justin,I know you seldom hit in your own comment BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,can you reply to my question??What is the amount of the most comments ever you have since you start?
When you compare Kee Chuan Thye's and Zorro's written account on what happened last Saturday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,there is a yin and yang.water (tears of joy and exclaimation) vs fire (fights and quarrel)Art (narrated in a calm tone 1st and then picked up steam in the end,like a story plot masterpiece)VS fury(narrated in a conversational style with the writer's agitated point of view only)PLEASE do not misunderstand,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am not critizing anyone .just comparing.don't be sensitive,ok.especially that 69 old man!!
I am here still writing,,,,,,,I am talking to myself AGAIN!
THIS raya is a great raya for me, to all of you especially monsterball,
i am sorry for what i have done. the damage has been done, but i hope you guys can forgive and forget, Things are changing me , yes i have a lot to learn and i learned a lot today, i visited the poor and donated free food to them.
I have officially joined DAP at 8PM today.
Dalbinder Singh Gill
Can anybody please join me here??I am alone writing my comments here and i PROMISE myself I will not stop until someone rescue me!!!
Dalbinder,IS IT TRUE????I am joy over the moon now.At least your uncle KArpal Singh will be proud of me because YOU finally wake up !!!!
My comments record still stands as per the post"http://blackandwhite999.blogspot.com/2008/09/day-to-reflect-ym-raja-petra.html' at 84 as of 11.05PM.
I prefer both quality and quantity...you know what I mean. But as I said no comment also nevermind, just malu only.
Of course one way to increase like nobody's business is to comment by myself using different nicks. Hahahahaha!!!
As for Kee Thuan Chye, by virtue of his professional expertise, he got to rub shoulders with the rich and famous.
thank you Justin for replying my question and talking to me.
Justin,may I ,,,,,may I ask you one more question?How much you rate my comments in term of quality???on a scale of 1 to 10.I ask you this for my self improvement!! (do not give face,just hentam ,ok!)
Aiyoh! How to rate? There is no standard yardstick to rate. Just be yourself. I really appreciate your comments, and that's good enough for me.
Singh...Thank you for your kind wishes and great to hear you enrolled as DAP member!!
Have they approved your application?
You are 18 years old and I am near 70...we should me more than friends.
You should learn from me...and many others.
Best is ask questions politely...and that way...you will learn more.
Is is very easy to judge others...and develop that art...you get no where...UNLESS you are very very knowledgeable...like me...fooling around with those we who wants to try to be funny with me.
Sometimes...I give jump starts..to make the blog more exciting...in order more will visit it.
Just few months ago..Justin was so grateful...I came to his lonely lonely blog. Now see what happens.
Yes...few are sarcastic to me...then be nice to blog owner..an art...that Justin is sucked in right now.
Yes..you can rate....but you will not....as blog owner...your concern is not to offend the visitors...more than being fair.....and just...and in no time..you will find a scape goat...and I will not be surprise...it will be me.
You are now advising me...WITHOUT realising..I am defending myself!
Go stop all those insults....and don't advise me to ignore them.
I have never run away from trouble.
Cannot believe Justin spend whole day...at Kamuting!!
Silence is NOT Golden!!
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